Laserfiche WebLink On a periodic basis, SCE may perform audits on the third- <br />party hosted site to assess web accessibility compliance. Audits may <br />be completed by manual evaluation or through the use of an <br />automated testing tool. If SCE identifies any content that was <br />previously communicated as being compliant but is subsequently <br />found to be in violation, 1) SCE will identify, in writing, the specific <br />web page, content or transaction form where the violation is found, <br />the specific WCAG 2.0, Level AA guideline that has been violated, and <br />what the specific violation is determined to be; 2) Implementer agrees <br />to correct the item(s) in violation on its own accord, with no cost <br />impact to SCE, in a timeframe that both SCE and Implementer agree <br />to, not to exceed 30 calendar days. <br /> SCE requires an annual web accessibility audit of SCE's <br />web properties by an independent auditor. Any part or all pages of a <br />third-party hosted web site may be included in the annual audit. If <br />the independent auditor identifies any web page, content or <br />transaction that was previously communicated as being compliant but <br />is subsequently found to be in violation, 1) Auditor will identify, in <br />writing, the specific web page content or transaction form where the <br />violation is found, the specific WCAG 2.0, Level AA guideline that has <br />been violated, and what the specific violation is determined to be; 2) <br />SCE shall provide Implementer with audit report, 3) Implementer <br />agrees to correct the item(s) in violation on its own accord, with no <br />cost impact to SCE, in a timeframe that both SCE and Implementer <br />agree to, not to exceed 30 calendar days. <br />11.3.5 If an existing third-party hosted web site utilizes a commercial off- <br />the-shelf third-party software package to deliver any type of functionality <br />that is customer-facing, the Implementer must work with the software <br />manufacturer to determine whether the software produces web-accessible <br />pages, content and/or transactions. <br /> If the software manufacturer is unable to provide a product <br />that produces web pages, content and/or transactions that meet <br />WCAG 2.0, Level AA guidelines, the Implementer shall request the <br />software manufacturer to produce such limitations in writing (i.e. in <br />the form of product specifications, formal response from software <br />manufacturer's technical support) and subsequently provide such <br />documentation to SCE. <br /> If the software manufacturer is unable to provide a product <br />that produces web pages, content and/or transactions that meet <br />WCAG 2.0, Level AA guidelines, the Implementer agrees to pursue, in <br />good faith, an alternate product that can provide equivalent <br />functionality and satisfy WCAG 2.0, Level AA web accessibility <br />compliance requirements.