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6.9. Inspection: SCE authorized representatives shall have the right to contact <br />Implementer at reasonable times during regular business hours and to inspect, as <br />appropriate, Implementer's performance of the Work. <br />6.10. Uncontrollable Forces: Implementer shall not be liable for delay in the <br />Work schedule or inability to perform the Work due to any cause beyond its reasonable <br />control, such as strike, flood, fire, lightning, epidemic, quarantine restriction, war, <br />sabotage, act of a public enemy, earthquake, or critical material unavailability; <br />provided that Implementer promptly notifies SCE in writing of the nature, cause, date <br />of commencement, and expected impact of the event and has exercised due diligence in <br />proceeding to meet the Work schedule. SCE shall extend the Work schedule for an <br />equitable period due to such causes without any change in the Contract price. <br />7. FITNESS FOR DUTY/JOBSITE ACCESS REQUIREMENTS (IF APPLICABLE): <br />7.1 Fitness for Duty: <br />7.1.1 Implementer and its Subcontractor personnel on a Jobsite (defined in <br />Section 1.8): <br />(i) Shall report for work in a manner fit to do their job; <br />(ii) Shall not be under the influence of or in possession of any alcoholic <br />beverages or of any controlled substance (except a controlled <br />substance as prescribed by a physician for such person so long as the <br />performance or safety of the Work is not affected thereby); and <br />(iii) Shall not have been convicted of any serious criminal offense which, <br />by its nature, may have a discernible adverse impact on the business <br />or reputation of SCE. <br />7.1.2 Inspection Searches by SCE authorized representatives may be made of <br />lockers, storage areas, vehicles, persons or personal effects on SCE owned, or <br />leased property at various times without prior announcement. Such facility <br />inspections may be conducted using detection dog teams to search work <br />areas and other common areas in order to detect evidence of unlawful drug <br />use or the presence of pyrotechnics, explosives, firearms, weapons, or <br />facsimiles thereof, alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs ("Prohibited Items"). <br />Prohibited Items must not be brought onto, or kept on, SCE property. <br />7.1.3 Compliance: Implementer shall advise its employees of the requirement of <br />this Section 7.1 ("Fitness for Duty Requirements") before they enter on the <br />Jobsite and shall immediately remove from the Jobsite any employee <br />determined to be in violation of these requirements. Implementer shall <br />impose these requirements on its Subcontractors. SCE may cancel the <br />Contract if Implementer violates these Fitness for Duty Requirements. <br />7.2. JOBSITE ACCESS REQUIREMENTS <br />7.2.1 Notification of Convictions: During application for Jobsite access, and/or <br />during the Work, Implementer shall immediately notify SCE whenever <br />Implementer becomes aware of evidence that any Implementer's or its