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The Multi- Sector Partners recently developed a partnership agreement to articulate and <br />memorialize their roles, responsibilities, and policies for this project. With approval of this application, <br />each participating LWIB will further formalize its participation in the partnership through financial and <br />non - financial agreements. Additional project policies that may be needed to guide effective <br />implementation will be developed by the partners and approved by consensus. <br />Collaborative Project Planning, Oversight, and Implementation <br />A primary project goal is to maximize grant effectiveness within the parameters of federal grantee <br />regulations through collaborative service delivery. This goal is realistic and achievable because the <br />Multi- Sector Partners possess extensive experience in the operation of dislocated worker programs <br />under the WIA. The California Job Training Automation (JTA) System will enable the partners to <br />routinely collect and report data on WIA Core, Intensive, Training, and Supportive Services provided to <br />DW participants. Information sharing on promising practices and proven methods in DW programming, <br />particularly in the area of RR strategies, will exemplify partner collaboration. The partners will share <br />pertinent policy and operational communications, information on local program results, and information <br />on new workforce development initiatives between members, with the State of California, and the DOL <br />with assistance from the California Workforce Association (CWA). <br />Project Oversight and Management <br />Monthly project meetings conducted by SBWIB with CWA support will cover project activities and <br />performance, best practices, and creative ideas. Because of the size of this project and the potential for <br />replication, the role of CWA will be to: <br />• Serve as a facilitator and information clearinghouse to enable timely sharing of policy <br />communications, information on local project results, and new federal, state and local initiatives <br />in workforce and economic development <br />• Facilitate monthly partnership meetings <br />• Gather and disseminate information on promising practices by and within the partnership with <br />an emphasis on how such practices can be conducted as part of the NEG program. <br />• Coordinate with state organizations, such as the California EDD, the Chancellor's Office of the <br />California Community Colleges, and the California Department of Education to assist in <br />leveraging resources to support the partnership's activities. <br />10 <br />