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through 2018. For example, EDD predicts there will be a need for 18,300 medical assistants, 2,700 EMTs <br />and Paramedics; 2,700 Health Technicians and 1,800 Lab Technicians statewide between 2008 and 2018. <br />Follow -Up Services <br />One -Stop case managers (and /or other assigned staff) will provide Follow -Up Services to determine <br />participant employment and education outcomes after exiting the project for a period of 12 months. <br />The emphasis of workplace counseling will be to assist participants in retaining employment, increasing <br />their earnings, and completing educational requirements as appropriate. Participants may receive <br />assistance from project case managers in the arrangement of an array of services designed to improve <br />their employment status during follow -up; non -WIA services may also be considered. Follow -Up <br />services may include additional counseling on the workplace, career planning, peer support groups, <br />information about additional educational opportunities, and referrals to supportive services available in <br />the community. <br />During the follow -up period, if WIA services beyond those available through the follow -up <br />component are needed, then re- enrollment into WIA may be required. Case managers will work with <br />employers to resolve employment issues and identify opportunities for participant advancement. When <br />needed, project case managers will work with job developers in their One -Stop centers to help <br />participants find new employment. A Follow -Up information form will document participant outcomes <br />that occur after program exit such as obtaining employment, a degree, or a certificate. <br />Recent Regional Economic Impact Grant <br />Recently, the U.S. Department of Labor awarded a $8,197,664 Regional Economic Impact (REI) grant <br />to the Tulare County WIB as fiscal agent and administrative entity for the California Central Valley <br />Workforce Collaborative (CCWC). The purpose of this grant is to address worker layoffs in central <br />California industries brought on by the state's recessed economy. With a project period of May 1, 2010 <br />to April 30, 2011, the LWIAs in that grant include: Fresno County, the Kern /Inyo /Mono Consortium, <br />Kings County, Madera County, Merced County, the Mother Lode Consortium, San Joaquin County, and <br />Stanislaus County. Among its service strategies, the project includes paid Work Experience, Individual <br />Training Accounts, and OJT contracts for recession - impacted DWs. In addition, REI funds are being used <br />to develop a regional, demand - driven workforce investment plan for public infrastructure investments. <br />The CCWC is a partnership of Workforce Investment Boards covering 14 counties in California's <br />Central Valley and a portion of the state's Southern Sierra Nevada region. The WIBs that are common to <br />the REI NEG and the California Multi- Sector Workforce Partnership NEG application include: <br />25 <br />