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ATTACHMENT C <br />California Multi- Sector Workforce Partnership <br />Rapid Response Survey Summaries by <br />Participating Workforce Investment Boards <br />Anaheim (City of) Workforce Development Division <br />The surveys received from Allstyle Apparel indicate a multi - lingual (English, Spanish, Vietnamese) <br />workforce in assembly type positions. There is a significant language barrier among the Spanish and <br />Vietnamese speakers and a lack of a high school education in this population. The majority of survey <br />responders are seeking employment as a priority. We plan to serve 14 dislocated workers from this <br />group with ESL if needed and skills upgrade through.OJT. <br />Boeing employees have education level of Bachelors Degrees and above. The Boeing facility in Anaheim <br />is predominately an R &D operation. We plan to serve 3 participants from this group with high -end skills <br />training depending on need to assist them in transitioning to other industries. <br />The Rapid Response presentation has been delayed for AT &T and Source Refrigeration. Based on the <br />WARN notice, the job classification for AT &T indicates customer service jobs. Follow -up with the <br />company confirmed that the individuals slated from lay -off are 20+ year employees. We will assist the 4 <br />individuals we plan to serve with skills upgrade to transition into other industries. <br />Source Refrigeration's workforce is industrial HVAC, tied to the construction industry. We will assist four <br />individuals with skills upgrade to transition into other industries. <br />City of Los Angeles Workforce Investment Board <br />The educational levels for the affected employees range from GED, High School Diploma, AA, BA, MA <br />and JD degrees. Most of the employees from the US Census have Bachelor Degrees, and are struggling <br />because they are overqualified for available positions. Conversely, the numerators and data collectors <br />have a high school diploma or less. <br />Survey responders indicated that they were interested in "immediate employment" and "training" (this <br />was a frequent, non - specific response; only a few mentioned anything specific such as medical or green <br />technology training.) Once the affected worker enrolls in a WorkSource /One -Stop Center, he or she <br />would be given a skills and interest assessment. <br />Custodians and maintenance workers may need to diversify their skills and obtain training in sector <br />initiatives currently available through LA City's Workforce Development System, including solar <br />technology, green sectors, security, and logistics. Individuals with college degrees may need to develop <br />new skills for careers in such high - growth industries as Bio -Med and Computer Technology. This effort <br />would be self- directed and self- underwritten. <br />Many individuals in our Rapid Response Orientation choose not to answer these questions inasmuch as <br />the answers are optional. <br />34 <br />