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Laid of employees at the City of Inglewood worked in administrative support, tech support, library staff <br />and criminal investigation. All survey respondents held a high school diploma, while a few have <br />Bachelors Degrees. These participants will all require vocational retraining for possible occupation <br />changes. Tech support and criminal investigation staff members are interested in certification upgrades <br />in order to stay competitive. <br />Most AJ Wright survey respondents have High School diplomas or GEDs. They worked in entry -level <br />positions as Cashiers, Customer Service Representatives, and in Warehouse and Stock. These <br />participants will be in need of Vocational Retraining, Resume Building, Soft Skills Training and Job Search <br />Assistance. <br />Laid -off MySpace employees hold Bachelors and Master Degrees, and most worked in Managerial <br />Positions. They will be in need of Job Search Assistance, Vocational Retraining for possible occupation <br />changes and Certification Upgrades for Management Skills. <br />Stanislaus Alliance Worknet <br />The laid -off employees from Conifer Health Solutions had the following occupations: Office <br />Administration, Medical Billing, Accounting and Appeal Writing. The majority of survey participants had <br />a High School Diploma or GED, while few had Associates Degrees or Bachelors Degrees. One participant <br />lacked a High School Diploma. <br />The specific services and training that participants require have not been determined because individual <br />assessment and counseling has not yet occurred. The layoff of the survey employees has not taken <br />place (It will be on February 28, 2011.). The following are estimates based on a review of the <br />participants' Rapid Response Surveys: Most Participants will be requesting Job Search Assistance, <br />Vocational Training and Skills Upgrade Training. Participants with college degrees will not require re- <br />employment services or training to achieve employment <br />38 <br />