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iNSURANUE V , RE"JiREG <br />WORK W, P;?,)CEED <br />CLERK ; 7 r;,_- UNC? <br /> <br />AGREEMENT FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS <br />OF REPLACEMENT WINDOWS <br />A-2003-286 <br />THIS AGREEMENT (hereinafter the "Agreement"), dated August 4, 2011 for reference purposes only, is <br />made and entered into by and between Opal Spindler, 1015 E Santa Clara Avenue, (hereinafter <br />"Owner"), and the City of Santa Ana, a charter city and municipal corporation organized and existing <br />under the Constitution and laws of the State of California ("City"). <br />RECITALS <br />-? A. The Southern California Regional Rail Authority ("SCRRA") constructed a second main railroad <br />track from La Veta Avenue in Orange, south to Seventeenth Street in Santa Ana. <br />B. SCRRA and the City entered into a Settlement Agreement A-2003-005, (hereinafter "said <br />Agreement") whereby both parties agreed to install and construct certain improvements to <br />enhance the character and appearance of the community in the Project Area. Those <br />enhancements include installation of double pane windows for homes facing the railroad on the <br />west side of Lincoln Avenue in Santa Ana. <br />C. Owner owns that certain property located at 1015 E Santa Clara Avenue, (hereinafter "Property") <br />and desires to replace those windows at the Property which face the railroad. OWNER is paying <br />all or part of the cost of the work to be performed with funds provided by the City of Santa Ana ("City) <br />pursuant to said Agreement. <br />WHEREFORE, for and in consideration of the respective and mutual covenants and promises hereinafter <br />contained and made, and subject to all the terms and conditions hereof, the parties hereto do hereby <br />agree as follows: <br />OWNER agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to contract with a California licensed general <br />contractor, to install double pane, sound insulating windows to replace those windows on said <br />Property which face the railroad on the west side of Lincoln Avenue, as set forth in Exhibit A, <br />attached hereto. <br />a. OWNER, or his designated contractor, shall install the replacement windows in <br />conformance with the specifications listed in Exhibit B, attached hereto. <br />b. Upon completion of the installation, Owner shall request City Public Works verification of <br />window replacement. . <br />2. Upon City review and acknowledgement of the replacement window installation, CITY shall, issue <br />to OWNER, a check in the amount of Written Amount, $2251 which is the actual cost of <br />replacement for identified windows meeting the minimum requirements set forth in exhibit B. <br />3. OWNER hereby acknowledges that receipt of CITY'S payment in the amount of $2251 fully <br />satisfies CITY'S obligation regarding installation of double pane windows at Owner's property. <br />4. INDEPENDENT PARTIES. Owner, in contracting for replacement windows, is acting as an <br />independent party and not as an agent or employee of City. Nothing contained in this Agreement <br />will be deemed or construed for any purpose, to establish, between the parties, a partnership or <br />joint venture, a principal-agent relationship, employee-employer relationship or any relationship <br />other than City and Property Owner.