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<br />PROJECT 08-6028 FAIRVIEW TRIANGLE HABITAT RESTORATION <br />MY OF SANTA ANA <br />BIDDER'S STATEMENT REGARDING APPRENTICESHIP REQUIREMENTS <br />PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT AGREEMEN <br />The undersigned BIDDER is fami[ar with the requirements of Section 1777.5 of the Slate fahor Coda <br />regarding employment of apprentices, and understands that contraetors on contracts exceeding $30,M) <br />or 10workingdays shak <br />L Apply to the join) apprenlirmhip commiuce adminislering the apprenticeship sanddrds of the <br />erafl or trade io the area of the site of the podlic work [or a ceriBicale approving the connaGor render the <br />apprenticeship standards [or the employment and (raining o[ apprentices in the tma o[ industry affectrA. <br />2. Employ the number of apprentices or the ratio of apprenlice to journeymen stipulated In the <br />apprenticcshlp slandards3. Contrihule to The Nnd or funds in each erafl or bade in which hedshe employt journeymen nr <br />apprentices on the puhlic wo[k, in the same anrounl or upon [hc same basis and in The same manner as <br />Iheolh¢r contractors, eacep! ronractors out signalorylo the tmsl ngr¢¢nunt shall pay a like amount to <br />Ih¢ California Appre`mises?hip Council, <br />Signed s?/gypp"' <br />Title J?pSIAPw1? <br />Flmi ?? (?? ?VIC? <br />Date ??Z??? <br />TO BE INCLDDED IN BID PACKAGE <br />BP 11 of31