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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROJECT 08-6028 FAIRVIEW TRIANGLE HABITAT RESTORATION <br />PROPOSALANDCONTRACFCLAOSES <br />SECTION? WNTRACTCLAUSES <br />The work to be perfomii under This confiner is subject to the requiremems of Sec(ion 3 of the <br />Housing and Urban Devclopmem Acl of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C,1701u (Sution J), The <br />purpose of Sullon 7 Is to ensure iMi employment and ofhu economic opporfurtilles generalcd <br />by HUD assistance or HUPassisled projects eoueied by Section 3, shall, to Ihegrea?es[ entenl <br />feasible, be directed to low and very tow-income persons, padinularly persons who are <br />iccipicnts of HUD assislencc for housing, <br />B. The parties to [his ainirael agrecln comply wish HUD's reulaGOns iu 7A CFR Part 175, which <br />implemenfS¢Gion7, Asevidrncedhyiheirexecutionofthisconhaei,fhepartiaslolhiseontraol <br />?lify Thal (hey arz under no commctual or other Impedimem Ihal would prevent Ihem Gum <br />complying with the part f7S regulalious, <br />The wmraalor agrees to lead to eech labor orgaoisaiion or represenlativeof workers whh which <br />the contractor has a collemiue bargaining agreement or other unders[anding, if any, a notice <br />advising the labor organisation or workers' representative of the commGor'a commitments under <br />Ibis Section 3 clausro, and will pose r?pies of the notice iu conspicaous places al the work site <br />where both employces and applleams fnr (raining and employment posilious cen see the notice, <br />The notice shelf describe the SeGinu 3 preference, shall set forth minimum number and job titles <br />subject to hire, availability of apprenticeship and traiuing positions, the quahflcations for each; <br />and the uameand location of thepuson(s? tak'mg applications far each of tho positions, autl the <br />anlieipated dale the work shall hegiu, <br />ThecomraGor agrees to inraude [he Sution 7 clause in ev¢ry subcoutmct suhjec[ to compliance <br />wish regula[ious'm 24 CFR Parl 175, and agrees m lake appropriate aGlon, as prouidl in an <br />appliceble provision of the subaontraa or in Ibis SeGion 3 clause, upon a boding (hat the <br />subconlmclor Is in violation of the regulalions'm 24 CFR Pan 135. The contractor will not <br />sohrontraq wish any snbrontraetor where the contraGor has notice or knowledge of Thal [he <br />subcenlraclm' hasbcen found in violation of fheregulatbus io 24 CFR Pan 135. <br />TO BE INCLUDED IN BID PACKAGE <br />BPISoP31