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CITYORSAN`fAANA <br />PROJECT 08fi028 FAIRVIEW TRIANGLE NABITAT RESTORATION <br /> <br />PUBLICCONTRACPCpDESECTION IIIIfi20UESTIONAIRE <br />PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT AGREEMENT <br />In conformance with Pu61io ComraG CodeSection 10162, the BIDDER shall complete, under penally o[ <br />perjury, the following queslionuaire, <br />Has the BIDDER, any officer aghe BDDER, or any employeeaf the BIDDER who has a proprielnry <br />inl¢res1 is [hc BIDDER, ever been disquafiGcd, r¢moved, or otherwise preveolev from bidding on, or <br />eomplcliag a federal, slate, or local government project because of a violation ol'law or a safety <br />regulation? <br />Yes_ No? <br />If the answer is yes, explain Ihecirrumsfances'm The following space <br />TO BF.ING,UDED IN AID PACKAGE <br />BP29of31