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<br />Mitre-Ramirez, Nona <br />From; Dix, Tom <br />Sent: Tuestlay,Novamber16,2g112:4BPM <br />To: Mlt?eā€¢Ramirez, Norma <br />Subject: FW,StraightlineCommunicationsAgreemeot <br />Hi Norma, <br />Will this da? <br />Tom <br />From, Sheetly, Laura <br />Sent; Tuesday, November 15, 2011 14:47 <br />To; Diz, Tom <br />Subject; Re'. Stmightline Communiations Agreement <br />No, insurance is not required. I thought we removed II from the agreement Perhaps the Clerk will aceepf this email as <br />approval, <br />Thanks, Laura <br />From; Dix, Tam <br />To: Sheerly, Laura <br />Cc: Mbre?Ramire2, Norma <br />Seat TueNov IS 1495332011 <br />Subject: Straightl'me Communications Agreement <br />Hi Laura, <br />I just received the agreement for Siraightllne Communications and it statesthat they need insuranceon file <br />Based on thesfope ofwork that they will be performing isinsuranceacfually necessary? <br />r? <br />Thomas Dix <br />WatwServiresQualityfoordlaator <br />Litt' of Santa Ana <br />224 S, baisyAueoue <br />Santa Ana, fA 92703 <br />1]4641.3316 <br />11464T834Sfax <br />tdix sontaana,ar