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When recorded, please mail this <br />instrument: <br />Clerk of the Connell <br />City of Santa Ana <br />20 Clvlc Center Plaza, M-30 <br />Santa Ana, Callfornla 9270'1 <br />Free recording requested by <br />The City of Santa Ana per <br />Government Code Section 6103. <br />®?? <br />SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE <br />Cancel Approvetl AS TO Approvetl By Description Dasulptlon A.P. Number R/W Map Number Project <br />Taxes Fortn BY Atty. Dlroctor Written BY Checketl-O. K. 398-? 51 _? 1 Number <br /> G.F.L_ A_C. 398-151-12 NE 28 <br />OFFER OF DEDICATION Deed No. 8398 <br />N-2011-139 <br />For valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Santa Ana WBBB, LP, being the legal owner of the <br />herein described real property, does hereby make an irrevocable offer of dedication pursuant to California Government <br />Code Section 7050 to the City of Santa Ana, a Charter City and Municipal Corporation of the State of California, for <br />public right-of-way purposes, of the real property located in the City of Santa Ana, County of Orange, State of California, <br />described as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein, and as shown on Exhibit "B", attached <br />hereto for reference only. <br />The City of Santa Ana shall incur no liability with respect to this offer of dedication <br />and shall not assume any responsibility for the offered property, or any improvements to the property, <br />until this offer has been accepted pursuant to Section 33-55 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code <br />or by resolution of the City Council of the City of Santa Ana. <br />The provisions of this offer shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs, successors, assigns, <br />and personal representatives of the respective parties to the offer. <br />For: Santa Ana WBBB. LP <br />Dated: ? d ? 6 ? ? l <br />} <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA }SS <br />couNTY of h.-c?9 ? } <br />By: <br />T?? d C crEt 1 P <br />Print Name?A <br />On?c?e .2? ?Zd 21 before me, ?LL/?c? - J'????-y' <br />t2?- -? \aoo? _?. :Z N.?_1 FZbe r personally appeared Print Name <br />who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to lie the person(s) whose name(s)?e/are <br />subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that Aeiahe/they executed the same <br />in hiefMer/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hisfherttheir signature(s) on the instrument the <br />person(s) or entity upon which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. <br />I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that <br />the foregoing paragraph is true and cor <br />WITNESS my d official seal. <br />R08ALdA RU12 <br />Signature Commission Ar 1934781 <br />Notary l?ubllc -Callfornla <br />Orange County <br />Comm. Ex fires Ma 2, 2015 <br />? rn <br />tU R <br />L <br />O r?A <br />C C <br />-O ?O <br />c d <br />m v <br />> ? <br />Q R <br />o Q <br />?, <br />?o <br />L ? <br />rn ? <br />? L <br />y <br />o <br />a o_ <br />CA <br />d <br />? E <br />0 0 <br />Z ? <br />(This arse for oYFirial notarial seal)