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Recyclable Materials. Materials that normally have been or would be discarded and that may be reused after under going some type of <br />physical or chemical processing. Recyclable materials do not include precious metal bearing scrap and those items that may be used <br />again for their original purpose or function without any special processing. <br />Routine Services. Services which are required on a regular basis within each billing period. These normally include services performed <br />at a frequency or at least once per month, e.g., daily or weekly. <br />Work Day. A normal duty day, Sunday through Saturday. <br />C.3 Contractor Furnished Property and Services <br />C.3.1 General. Contractor furnished property and services shall be compatible with existing City systems and equipment as <br />necessary to perform the requirements of the Agreement. The Contractor shall furnish all property and services not specifically identified <br />in Section C.C.4.2 24 -Hour Contact Number <br />The Contractor shall provide the Director with a telephone number at which a contact person for the Contractor may <br />be reached 24 hours a day. The contact person shall be required to respond back to the Director or his <br />representative within 1 hour. The contact person shall have the appropriate knowledge and/or authority to take <br />appropriate action in response to any emergency situation that may arise involving the contractor's responsibilities <br />hereunder. <br />C.3.2.1 Responsibility for Work. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damages to people and/or property that occur as <br />a result of the fault or negligence of said Contractor or his employees in connection with the performance of this work. <br />C.3.2.2 Failure to Perform Satisfactory <br />C. City Inspection. The Director or his designated representative shall regularly inspect fountains all other City property subject to <br />this Agreement. If said inspection results in discovery of work that is not performed in the manner, and to the professional degree set <br />forth in the Specifications, Contractor agrees that the City shall deduct from Contractor's next monthly payment, the City's actual or <br />estimated cost of performing the work to bring the property into conformance with the specifications. Additionally, City shall impose <br />liquidated damages of up to $300.00 per inspection, per fountain, per day not meeting the specifications during any such inspection. <br />C. Billing Adjustments. The Director may make a billing adjustments in monthly payment for the cost to the City to remedy <br />insufficiencies in service rendered by the Contractor. Billing adjustments for this unsatisfactory service may be permanent retention of <br />100% of the estimated monthly cost for work that is incomplete or deficient as stated herein. <br />C.3.2.3 Hazards. The Contractor shall maintain all work sites free of hazards to persons and/or property resulting from his <br />operations. Any hazardous condition noted by the Contractor, which is not a result of his operations, shall be immediately reasonably <br />mitigated then reported to the Parks, Recreation & Community Services Agency. <br />C.3.2.4 Property Damage. Any damage to City property that occurs shall be immediately reported to the Director. The cost <br />of repair, if required, will be at the Contractor's expense. If damage occurs to any adjacent turf, groundcover, shrubs or trees as result of <br />the Contractor's negligence for the cost for necessary repair or replacements of the same shall be at the Contractor's expense. <br />C.3.2.5 Access to Private Property. Prior to any work that will restrict access to private property, the Contractor shall notify <br />each affected property owner or responsible person, informing him of the nature of and the approximate duration of the restriction. <br />C.3.2.6 Emergency Service. Twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week, the Contractor shall be able to receive and <br />respond to the City's call for emergency service. Response time shall be less than two hours to remove or eliminate a public safety <br />hazard. Contractor shall provide the City with a local telephone number where Contractor can be contacted twenty-four hours per day, <br />seven days per week. <br />C.3.2.7 Contractor Furnished Equipment. The Contractor shall provide all items necessary for the performance of the <br />contract including the following. <br />C. Tools. The Contractor shall provide all tools and repair equipment necessary for maintenance and repair as specified in the <br />Agreement. <br />