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<br />SAR Data Entrv <br /> <br />The SAPO IR2 Incident reporting system will be enhanced to allow entry of SAR reports, <br />including additional data types and elements required to support these reports. In addition, a <br />facility will be developed to extract and transfer electronic versions of the SAR reports to the <br />OCIAC in a standard forms. <br /> <br />1. Additional data elements and types will be added to the IR2 report schema in order to <br />fully accommodate SAR data as defined in the Information Sharing Environment <br />Fu nctiona I Specifications. <br /> <br />http://www 0 iseo gov/ docs/ cti ss/ISE- FS-200SAR FunctionalStandardlssuance Version to 00 pdf <br /> <br />These data types are: <br />. Aircraft <br />. Attachments <br />. Follow-up Actions <br />. Sensitive information Details <br />. Suspicious Activity Reports <br />. Target <br />. Vessel <br />. Flight Plan <br />. Conveyance Movement <br /> <br />2. The IR2 lookup tables will be enhanced to support standard lists of values required to <br />support entry ofthese data types. <br /> <br />3. The IR2 report entry form will be enhanced to include data entry functionality for these <br />additional data types. <br />a. In addition, the report entry form may be enhanced to suppress display of data types <br />not needed for SAR reports, when this type of report is being entered. This tailoring of <br />report content will occur at the high level band (Witnesses, Narratives, Officers, etc.) No <br />tailoring will be done inside these high-level bands. <br /> <br />4. A form will be provided to select specific property or evidence items and flag them for <br />inclusion within the SAR extract. This form will provide a hyperlink back to edit the <br />item. In addition one (1) printable report of these items will be developed. <br /> <br />SAR Extract And Submission <br /> <br />A process will be developed to extract data for SAR reports, and format it into an electronic <br />XML format to be submitted to the OCIA for consolidation with other agencies data. <br /> <br />SoftMasterl 0/1 0/11 <br />