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01/11/2012 09:04 9494818462 S WILLIAMS PAGE 02/06 <br />1 9 2012 _ N-2012-002 <br />????+c `??? 7E ?E12T WITNESS SERVICES .A,G?ElVIENT <br />This AGRBEMEIV".C made aad entered into this ? ? day o£ ?dLn , 2012 by atzd between Scott <br />T. Williams, 1vF.D. (ltereinal?rr "Expert" ), and the City of Santa Ana, a chartee-city daaly organized and <br />existing under the Constitution and laws of the State ofCalifomia ("City"). <br />RECITALS <br />A. Ciry dcsires to employ Expert to assist the City by providing expert testimony and consulting <br />services irz litigation matters, and <br />Expert represents that it has special experience and kaozvledge in the field of T2adiology, and <br />desire to undertake said employment. <br />NOW `r'i-TF1z &'F'ORE, in consideration of the mutual and respective promises, and subject to the terms and <br />conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: <br />1. F.Tyf1PLOYMF:id'T OF EXPER'T'. <br />City hereby agrees tb and does employ Expert, to assist its City Attorney in investigation and <br />testimony services related to litigation involving law enforcement matters, when and as requested by the City <br />Attorney to do so. Expert accepts said employment and agrees to perfrnm, in timely and e#'Ficient manner all <br />such services as may be requested by the City. Expert shall confirm its acceptance of work requested by City <br />in writing by a-mail or letter. <br />COMPI:iV SA1'lON <br />a. City agrees to pay, and Expert agrees to accept as total payment for its services, tlae rates and <br />charges identified in T3xhibit A. The total auto to be expended under this Agreement shall mot exceed <br />$25,000 during the term of this Ageement. <br />b. T'aymerrt by City shaLL be made within ttinery (90) days foJlo?ving receipt of proper invoice <br />evidencing work performed, subject to City accounting procedures. Payment need not be made for work <br />which Sails to meat the standards of per£orAaance set forth in the Recitals which may reasonably be <br />expected by City. <br />3. CON'T'ROL OF LECsAL IVIATTERS. <br />Bspett agaEes that cacti and suety matter or proceeding 3n which they undetutke to assist the City, as <br />aforesaid, shall be and t?tnaitt amde% and subject to the control and direction.of said City at all stages, and <br />that they sha17 at all times keep the City Attttoaney infotaned of all matters pertaining thereto. Ciry will keep <br />Eazpezt informed of all signi5cant developments in !natters relating to aay representation undertaken by <br />EixpeM. <br />Expert feather agrees, if and ?vhea its employment hereunder is terminated by City, as hereinafer <br />specified, it shall return to the City Attorney any and all files then in its possession concerning each artd every <br />matter or proceeding in which they assisted the City purseteat to this Agreement <br />4. EXPERT 1NDEPENDFsN'T' CONTRACTORS. <br />Zt is mutually agreed by and between the parties that, in the petforinance of its covenants hereunder, <br />Expert is and shall be an independent contractor, and not an officer or employee of City.