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Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
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Last modified
2/27/2012 11:35:05 AM
Creation date
2/27/2012 11:31:36 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Personnel Services
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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 5. The Parties expressly agree that the above indemnification and hold harmless obligations are <br /> contractual in nature and not based on any determination by the WCAB. <br /> 6. ARBITRATION: IN THE EVENT OF DISPUTES ARISING UNDER THIS SECTION X OF THE <br /> AGREEMENT, THE OCFA AND CITY AGREE SUCH DISPUTES SHALL BE DETERMINED EITHER BY <br /> AGREEMENT OF THE PARTY, OR IF EITHER PARTY DETERMINES THE DISPUTE CANNOT BE <br /> RESOLVED BY AGREEMENT, THEN BY BINDING ARBITRATION BEFORE AN INDIVIDUAL <br /> ARBITRATOR WITH EXPERTISE IN WORKER'S COMPENSATION ISSUES. SUCH ARBITRATOR <br /> SHALL BE SELECTED EITHER BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES, OR FAILING THAT, BY <br /> THE JUDICIAL ARBITRATION AND MEDIATION SERVICE (JAMS). THE COST OF THE <br /> ARBITRATION SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY BY THE PARTIES. <br /> XI. INDEMNIFICATION: <br /> 1. OCFA shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the CITY and its officers, employees, agents <br /> and representatives with respect to any loss, damage, injury, claim, demand, litigation or liability and all <br /> expenses and costs relating thereto (including attorneys fees) arising out of or in any way related to acts <br /> or omissions of OCFA, its officers, employees or agents in the performance of services pursuant to this <br /> Agreement. <br /> 2. CITY shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless OCFA and its officers, employees, agents <br /> and representatives with respect to any loss, damage, injury, claim, demand, litigation or liability and all <br /> expenses and costs relating thereto (including attorneys fees) arising out of or in any way related to acts <br /> or omissions of CITY, its officers, employees or agents. This Section 11.2 shall apply whether or not the <br /> incident or occurrence occurred prior to or after the effective date. <br /> 3. The provisions of this Section XI shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement. <br /> 4. For purposes of this Section Xl, the Fire Chief shall be deemed to be an officer, employee, <br /> agent and representative of OCFA, and not of CITY. <br /> XII. TERM AND TERMINATION: <br /> <br /> 1. This Agreement shall commence on the date first written above, provided the Agreement has <br /> been approved as required under the JPA Agreement and by the CITY Council. Delivery of services shall <br /> commence on April 20, 2012, or when this Agreement is approved, whichever is later. CITY may <br /> terminate this Agreement by giving written notice of withdrawal to the Clerk of the Authority prior to July 1 <br /> of the second to last year of every ten-year interval of the twenty-year term of the JPA Agreement (e.g. for <br /> the first ten-year interval, notice must be given by July 1, 2018 to withdrawal by June 30, 2020). OCFA <br /> may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to CITY in the event of non-payment or other default of <br /> the terms required herein or in the JPA Agreement. <br /> 2. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement or other cessation of CITY's membership in <br /> OCFA, CITY agrees to pay OCFA the amount of the unfunded pension liability that had accrued during <br /> the term of this Agreement for the number of OCFA employees serving the CITY. In the event of any <br /> dispute regarding the amount of the unfunded pension liability at that time, the parties agree that the <br /> amount shall be determined by an independent actuary selected either by mutual agreement of the <br /> parties, or failing that, by the actuary used by the Orange County Employees Retirement System <br /> (OCERS). The parties shall share any costs charged by the actuary for calculating such amount. The <br /> Parties shall agree to a payment schedule for such amount. If the parties are unable to agree upon a <br /> payment schedule, the amount shall be amortized so the CITY will pay down the full amount of the <br /> unfunded liability over a fifteen (15) year period assuming a rate of return assumed by OCERS as its <br /> return on its investments as of the date of termination. Payments pursuant to this Section shall be made <br /> by the CITY to OCFA. The provisions of this Section XII shall survive termination or expiration of this <br /> Agreement. <br /> XIII. ANNEXATIONS: In the event of any CITY annexation of territory within the Structural Fire Fund, <br /> the level of Structural Fire Fund and redevelopment revenues existing at the time of the annexation shall <br /> 828042.3 Page 7 <br /> 60C-61 <br />
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