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ZOA No. 2012 -01, DA No. 2004 -03, <br />VTTM No. 2012 -01, and SPR No. 2012 -01 <br />March 5, 2012 <br />Page 3 <br />2. Designated outdoor common or recreational areas shall provide outdoor signage informing <br />the public of the presence of operating aircraft. <br />Project Changes by the Applicant <br />Subsequent to the February 13 Planning Commission meeting the applicant contacted staff to <br />discuss possible project changes. <br />Staff and the applicants held extensive discussions during the week of February 20. These <br />discussions were productive and resulted in significant project improvements including (Exhibit <br />13): <br />• Reduce total unit count by 6 units, from 284 to 278 units <br />• Improve the unit mix by: <br />o Increasing the number of two and three bedroom units from 106 units <br />(38 %) to 136 units (49 %) <br />o Decreasing the number of one bedroom units from 178 (63 %) to 142 (51%) <br />• Increase the average unit size from 885 sq. ft. to 915 sq. ft. <br />• Reduce tandem parking spaces from 344 (54 %) to 257 (42 %) <br />• Increase open space from 58,150 sq. ft. (202 sq. ft. per unit) to 70,976 sq. ft. (255 <br />sq. ft. per unit). This complies with the City standards set forth in SD-43. <br />Staff believes these changes address the remaining concerns. Incorporating these changes will <br />ensure that the project will meet or exceed the standard of other recent high quality projects in <br />the City. <br />For example, to address the City's Housing Element goal to provide family sized housing the <br />applicant added 30 additional two and three bedroom units. This improved unit mix furthers the <br />Housing Element goal. Moreover, it is equivalent to the unit mix approved for the nearby Lyon <br />project. <br />Additionally, the applicant agreed to reduce the number of tandem parking spaces in an effort to <br />ensure that residents will enjoy ample and convenient parking. With this change The Met will <br />have a slightly lower tandem parking ratio than what was approved for the nearby Lyon project. <br />Project Features and Amenities <br />The applicant has incorporated a rich variety of project amenities commensurate with those <br />provided by other recently- approved projects, including the nearby Lyon project. These <br />amenities include: <br />• The pool and fitness center have increased in size, and a business center has been <br />added, in response to Planning Commission comments. <br />75A -3 <br />