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NS-2830 - Amending Specific Development No. 43 to Allow Construction of a MultiFamily Residential Project with 278 Units...
2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)
2012 (NS-2826 - NS-2840)
NS-2830 - Amending Specific Development No. 43 to Allow Construction of a MultiFamily Residential Project with 278 Units...
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Last modified
4/26/2012 11:52:15 AM
Creation date
4/26/2012 11:51:50 AM
City Clerk
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A. Reduction in Multi-Family Residential Parking Ratio. Amendments are <br />needed to revise the parking requirements for multi-family residential uses. <br />SD-43 currently has a graduated parking ratio for individual units based on <br />bedroom count and a similar graduated guest parking ratio based on the <br />overall unit count. As proposed, the project will provide a total of 632 spaces <br />at an overall ratio of 2.22 spaces per unit, regardless of bedroom count, and <br />inclusive of guest parking, which provides seven more spaces than the 2.22 <br />per unit ratio. The parking standards contained within SD-43, if applied to <br />the proposed project, would require a total of 642 parking spaces - 601 for <br />the units and 41 for guest parking. This creates the need for a reduction in <br />the required parking of 17 spaces. Due to the fact that the applicant <br />proposes to provide 632 spaces, the effective reduction will be 9 spaces; <br />however, the SD shall be amended to reflect the overall ratio of 2 spaces per <br />unit and 0.22 spaces per unit for guest parking. <br />Specifically, Section V.I. (Development Standards/Residential Permitted <br />Density; Parking) shall be amended to read as follows: <br />"A minimum of 2.0 off-street parking spaces per unit shall be required <br />for haGheler all units. 2 off stTeet parking manes are roni aired for <br />In <br />addition, guest parking shall be provided as follows: 0.5 spaGe <br />each unit up throe gh tan (10) units, 0.22 space for each unit in <br />eXV ness of ten (10) units up throe gh eine hu. A_Fed (100) unitc aRd 04 <br />Thus, a <br />minimum of 2.22 off-street parking spaces shall be provided per unit <br />in total." <br />B. Allowance for Tandem Parking to Satisfy Parking Requirement. The Santa <br />Ana Municipal Code contains provisions for tandem parking to satisfy some <br />portion of any required parking, but only for commercial development. SD- <br />43 does not contain any specific standards allowing the use of tandem <br />parking within the project area. The applicant proposes to have 42% of the <br />parking stalls designed as tandem spaces. Thus, SD-43 shall be amended <br />to allow for tandem parking up to 42% of total parking, so long as there is a <br />link between the percentage of tandem and percentage of one-bedroom <br />units. <br />Specifically, the following shall be added to the end of Section V.I. <br />(Development Standards/Residential Permitted Density; Parking) as follows: <br />"Tandem parking shall be allowed up to a maximum rate of 42% of <br />the total parking stalls for a property, so long as no more than 51 % of <br />the total units on the property are studio or one bedroom units." <br />Ordinance No. NS-2830 <br />Page 2 of 4
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