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PLAZA SANTA ANA <br />o Staff presented a revised concept plan for Plaza Santa Ana that <br />accommodated the use for special events, leisure public use and ADA <br />accessibility to the stage. Staff explained the various concepts and process to <br />provide a plan within the $200,000 CDBG project budget. Because of the <br />excitement and interest in the plaza design, staff shared a model prepared by <br />Architect Geoff Sumich from San Juan Capistrano. The concept reflected a <br />modern design with a colorful overhead shade structure, special pavement <br />and flowing wall design. <br />o Don Cribb indicated Geoff Sumich specializes in Spanish colonial and <br />modern architecture. The concept symbolizes butterflies that are recognized <br />in Mexico. <br />o Councilmember Sarmiento indicated because of the various events planned <br />on the plaza, it is never a good time for construction. Additional funding is not <br />available and time is limited in order to complete by September 14th. This is <br />the right time to move forward and the city is currently preparing plans to <br />install restrooms in the adjacent parking structure. <br />o Councilmember Martinez indicated this is an attempt to beautify the area. <br />Funding is limited and we risk losing the monies if we don't act now. The <br />funding was approved to address the priority for more open space. We need <br />to construct an area for children and residents, not another building. <br />o Councilmember Sarmiento indicated he was contacted by various people who <br />did not want the area to be used for events and requested more seating for <br />leisure use. This is an attempt to accommodate both uses. <br />o Dave Hoen asked if the CDBG monies have to be spent? The Assistant City <br />Attorney indicated the CDBG funding has to be spent within a reasonable <br />time frame. <br />o Julie Stroud asked what type of trees will be planted. Administrative Services <br />Manager indicated the site is planned for two types of trees: Sycamore trees <br />to carry the 4th street tree planting into the plaza and Crape Myrtle to provide <br />color in the plaza. <br />o Councilmember Tinajero indicated we need to continue the excitement for <br />downtown so everyone has access and the downtown businesses and <br />residents will benefit by the improvements. You need to look at other areas to <br />hold events while the plaza is being constructed. <br />• ROOSEVELT ELEMENTARY OPEN SCHOOL YARD PILOT PROJECT <br />o Mayra Mejia (Latino Health Access /Parents Organized for Recreation <br />Spaces) introduced residents that spoke on the need to continue the pilot <br />program at Roosevelt Elementary School. They indicated how the program <br />benefited the children in the area and thanked the city for applying for the <br />grant to construct a community center on the school. They asked for city <br />support to maintain the program open until 2014. This is a good example and <br />model to provide open space for areas that don't have park space. <br />PREY Regular Meeting — MINUTES 3 April 2, 2012 <br />13A -9 <br />