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G. "Coverage territory" means: <br />o. The United States of America (including its territories <br />and possessions), Puerto Rico and Canada; <br />7 <br />8, <br />b. International waters or oimpace, but only if the <br />injury or damage in the course of travel or <br />transportation between any [deceo Included in a. <br />above;nr <br />c. All other parts of the world if the Injury or damage <br />arises Out of: <br />(1) Goods or products made or sold by you in the <br />territory described ina.above; <br />(2) The activities of panaun whose home Is in the <br />territory daomibod In a, above` but is emmy for <br />short time on your business; or <br />(3) "Personal and advertising Injury" offenses that <br />iaba place through the interne( or similar <br />electronic means ofcommunication <br />provided the ioaured'a responsibility to pay damages is <br />determined inthe United States VfAmerica (including its <br />1enihuheo and possessions), Puerto Rico or Canada, in a <br />',suit" on the mad1a muco/d|oQ to the substantive law in <br />such territory nrinesettlement mmagree to. <br />"Employee" includes e "leased worker". "Employee" <br />does not include a"temporary mmrkmr". <br />"Emp|uymaoi-Rm|eLedPractices" means: <br />a. Refusal to employ aperson; <br />b. Termination ofaperson's employment; o, <br />c. Employment-related practices, poUcioo, acts or <br />omissions, such as coercion, demotion, evaluation, <br />roaua|Onment, discp|inV, defamation, harassment, <br />humiliation nrdiscrimination directed otaperson. <br />9. "Executive officer" means a person holding any o[the <br />officer positions omoied by your charter, ounatitv0Vn. <br />by-laws orany other similar governing document. <br />10."Hostile fire"means one which becomes uncontrollable <br />or breaks Out from where dwas intended io be. <br />11."|mpoimd property" means 1mn0(b|e pmpedy, other <br />than "Your product" ur"your wnrh,'that cannot beused <br />or is less useful because: <br />a. It incorporates "your product" m"Your work" that is <br />known or thought to be detective, deficient, <br />inadequate urdangerous; or <br />b. You have failed tofulfill the terms of contract or <br />agreement; <br />USuch property can berestored tuuse by: <br />m. The repair, replacement, adjustment orremoval of <br />"your product" o/"your pmdk';or <br />b. Your fulfi|hngthe terms ofthe contractor agreement. <br />12.111SUrOd contract" means: <br />m. A contract for o lease of premises. However, that <br />portion of the contract for u lease of premises that <br />indemnities any person ororganization for damage <br />by Um. |kJh\n|n0 or explosion N premises while <br />Page 16 of 18 <br />rented to you ortemporarily Occupied byyou with <br />permission of the owner is subject to the Damage <br />to Premises Rented To You Limit described in <br />Section III — Limits of Insurance: <br />b. A sidetrack agreement; <br />c. Any easement or license agreement, including an <br />easement or license aAmemoN in connection with <br />construction or demolition operations on or within <br />50 feet ofamUmud� <br />. <br />d. An obUOadion, as required by ordinance, to <br />indemnify amunicipality, except in connection with <br />work for a municipality; <br />An elevator maintenance agreement; <br />That pod of any other contract or agreement <br />pertaining to your business UnduoUnA an <br />indemnification of municipality in connection with <br />mmnk performed fora municipality) under which you <br />assume the tort liability of another party to pay for <br />"bodily injury" or "Properly damage', to o third <br />person or organization, provided the "bodily injury" <br />or"property damage" iscaused, inwhole orinpart, <br />by YOU or by those acting on your behalf. Tod <br />liability means u liability that would be imposed by <br />law inthe absence ofany contract oragreement. <br />Paragraph t includes that part u[any no0tmscX or <br />eUneena8nt that /ndumnhfies o nuUmed for "bodily <br />Injury" or "property damage" arising out of <br />construction urdemolition operations, within 60feet <br />of any railroad property and affecting any railroad <br />bridge or trestle, traoks, road -beds, tunnel, <br />underpass urcrossing. <br />However, Paragraph f.does not include that part of <br />any contract uragreement: <br />(1) That |nUemn|Uom on mmhitect, engineer or <br />surveyor for injury o/damage arising out of, <br />(a) PrepodDQ, eppmving, or failing to prepare or <br />oppmve. DDapo, shop drawings, opinionn, <br />mpodo, surveys, field orders, change orders <br />urdrawings and specifications, or <br />M Giving directions orinstructions, urfailing to <br />give them, if that isthe primary cause ofthe <br />injury urdamage; or <br />�2) Under which the insured, if an uohdect, engineer <br />or surveyor, assumes liability for on injury or <br />damage arising out of the |nwunod'm rendering or <br />failure torender professional services, including <br />those listed in (Y) above and supervisory, <br />inspection, architectural orengineering activities. <br />18."Leased worker" means a person leased tuyou by a <br />labor |moainO 0nn under an agreement between you <br />and the labor leasing firm, to pedbnn duties related to <br />the conduct of your business, "Leased worker" does <br />not include a"temporary workar' <br />14."Loading orunloading" means the handling ofproperty: <br />a. After it is moved from the place where it in accepted <br />for movement into or onto on oirnroft, watercraft or <br />HG000i0686 <br />