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2010 — 2012 CUSTOMIZED SOLUTIONS AGREr.MENT <br />TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL. PARTNERSHIPS <br />This Customized Solutions Agreement ( "Agreement") is entered into by Southern California Edison Company <br />("SCE ") and the Customer or the Customer's Authorized Agent, as Identified on page 1 above (each deemed an <br />"Applicant" for purposes of this Agreement). Applicant agrees to review these terms and conditions. Any <br />Implementation of a project hereunder will be deemed to be acceptance by the Applicant of such terms and <br />conditions, and such terms and condltions shall be binding on the Applicant (both Customer and Authorized Agent, <br />If applicable). If these terms and conditions are not acceptable to Applicant, then Applicant must notify SCE and <br />refrain from any implementation of the project, otherwise will proceed at their own risk. SCE and Applicant may be <br />Individually referred to as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties <br />1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION This Agreement is limited to those projects and/or solutions described In the <br />applicable 2010 -2012 Energy Management Solutions - Incentive Application for Business Customers (together with <br />all forms attached thereto; and referred to herein as the "Application "). As stated in the Application, SCE shall pay <br />incentives to Applicant, or such other party properly authorized to receive payment, in accordance with the terms <br />and conditions of this Agreement. The Customized Solutions Program ( "Program°) Is further described in the 2010 <br />Customized Statewide Procedures Manual for Business ( "Program Manual ") and at <br /> <br />20 DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE The following documents are hereby Incorporated by <br />reference and made part of this Agreement: (t) Applicants completed, signed and submitted Application, (ii) SCE <br />acceptance letter(s) based on the energy saving solutions proposed In the Application, and (ill) the agreement (or. <br />memorandum of understanding, as applicable) to jointly deliver the 2010 -12 Energy Efficiency Partnership Program <br />applicable to the Parties (the "Partnership Agreement'). <br />3.0 ELIGIBILITY Program funding Is limited and is available on a first -come, first-served basis. Funds will be <br />reserved only upon both SCE's written approval of the Application and SCE's execution of this Agreement. Projects <br />must meet the following requirements to be eligible for payment of Program Incentives ( "Incentive(s) "): (1) Project <br />site must be a nonresidential facility located within SCE's service territory; (2) SCE Customers must pay the Public <br />Goods Charge ("PGC") on the SCE electric meter where the energy efficient equipment Is Installed; (3) Projects will <br />be evaluated using the Calculated Approach and /or the Measured Savings Approach (also known as measurement <br />and verification ("M &V"); (4) Energy savings and demand reduction resulting from the project must be above and <br />beyond baseline energy performance, which include state - mandated codes, federal - mandated codes, <br />industry - accepted performance standards or other baseline energy performance standards as determined by SCE; <br />(5) Projects must meet all other Program requirements, terms and conditions; (6) Applicant certifies that Applicant <br />will not apply for or receive rebates, Incentives, or services covered by this Agreement in an amount greater than <br />the total cost of the project or solution(s) (including labor and materials); and (7) The Applicant certifies that the <br />solutions covered by this Agreement have not and will not receive any funds from any other utility, state or local <br />program funded by the PGC surcharge. <br />4.0 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PAYMENT Applicant shall submit to SCE the documents described <br />below -prior to being aligisle_for payment-of incentives.. Requirsd_documents,include, .but.are <br />Agreement, fully executed and with the attached documents referenced In Item 2.0 above; (2) Complete <br />engineering calculations to demonstrate energy savings and documentation, If applicable (including archival <br />diskette, CD, etc.); (3) Schematic drawings and/or manufacturer specification sheets, If applicable; (4) Invoices <br />and/ordocumentation to support solution costs, at SCE's request; (5) Project Installation Report; (6) Operating <br />Report, if M &V is required; and (7) Any other documents related to the project, project site, solutions, energy <br />savings or otherwise requested by SCE In Its sole discretion, in connection with the Program. <br />5.0 INSPECTIONS Applicant Is solely responsible fdr ensuring that SCE has reasonable access for all <br />Inspections, Including but not limited to: (1) Pre - Installation equipment Inspection to exams a the existing/baseline <br />equipment and to check the accuracy of Applicant's equipment survey; (2) Post installatlod'equlpment Inspection to <br />check installed equipment and to verify accuracy of Applicant's equipment survey; (3) Post-operation inspection to <br />verify energy savings of the solutions after Installed equipment has been operating, if requested by SCE; and (4) <br />inspection for any other Program - related reason that SCE, in Its sole discretion, deems necessary. <br />6.0 REVIEW AND DISCLAIMER SCE'S AND /OR ITS CONSULTANTS' REVIEW OF THE DESIGN, <br />CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION OR MAINTENANCE OF THE PROJECT OR ENERGY EFFICIENCY <br />SOLUTIONS SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE ANY REPRESENTATION AS TO THE ECONOMIC OR TECHNICAL <br />