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Huizar, Maria <br />From: <br />Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 2:35 PM <br />To: Huizar, Maria <br />Subject: Downtown Inc. <br />Maria, can you please distribute the following. <br />Mayor and Council Members <br />Nancy and I would like to go on record of supporting Downtown Inc. Having been the leader in developing the Artists <br />Village in the 90's I have seen how the downtown is coming alive where before the town was closed up at five <br />o'clock. Now the town is attracting leading businesses like DGWB and higher educational forums such as Grand Central <br />Arts Forum and cutting edge restaurants and entertainment venues hosting national known groups at the old Yost <br />Theater. This is especially an important time with the City suffering a budget crises to have an oversight body like <br />Downtown Inc. to help promote downtown Santa Ana along with ensuring the safety of those patronizing the <br />stores, restaurants, and entertainment venues and assuring clean sidewalks and store fronts. <br />It is unfortunate that there is a perception that Downtown Inc. has a 401(K) or other type of retirement program. This is <br />totally untrue and just another attempt to defame this organization. <br />Sincerely, <br />Tom & Nancy Lutz <br />Washington Square Residents. <br />85A-16