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Huizar, Maria <br />From: Mike Harvey <> <br />Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 3:34 PM <br />To: Huizar, Maria <br />Subject: Santa Ana Downtown Inc. <br />Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mike Harvey and I have recently opened a small music <br />publishing company in downtown Santa Ana. I chose Santa Ana as the place I wanted to be largely because of <br />the way that the area around the Yost Theater had been cleaned up and made safer and more accessible to my <br />clients. I did my research and found that this was made possible by the local merchants and the way they were <br />able to work with Downtown Inc. I have gotten to know my neighbors and I have had a few opportunities to <br />discuss issues that mattered to me with the people at DTI. They were always very helpful and full of useful <br />information. We know that any organization that deals with the public is bound to attract both possitive and <br />negative reviews from the people they serve and that is to be expected but when I heard that the folks at DTI <br />were coming under fire I thought that I would tell my story and the way that I have had nothing but possitive <br />experiences when working with them. I have to say that I think they are doing a great job. <br />Thank You <br />Mike Harvey <br />220 E. 4th Street, Suite 204 <br />Santa Ana, CA. 92701 <br />phone: 714-547-7071 <br />i <br />85A-19