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Additional Insured Automatic - Owners, Lessees Or <br />Contractors ZURICH <br />Policy No. l itp. Darn of Pod Eft. Dais of find. Amm No.. Addl. Prem. Rmunr Prcm. <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ If' CAREFULLY. <br />Named ItLwred: <br />Address (including ZIP Code}: <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the. <br />Cornrnetelal General Liability Coverage Na <br />A. Seedon U - VAw Is An Insured is amended to include as an insured any person or otgsnizationwhoyou are re- <br />quired to add as an additional insured an this polit=y under a written contract or written agroornent. <br />B. The insurance provided W du additional imu cd person or organization applies only to "bodily injury',"property <br />darnage' at "personal and advertising injur)r coveted under SKCTIrfN I - Coverage A . hotly tirjttry And <br />Property Damage Liability and Sectlon I- Coverage A - Personal And AdvertlAng Nury Liability, but only <br />with respect to liability for "bodily injury, "propery damugc" or "personal and advertising injury' caused, in <br />whole nr in part, by, <br />1. Your acts or omissions; of <br />2. The am or omissions of those acting on your behalf; and resulting directly from: <br />a. Your ongoing uperations petf'orumd for aw additional insured. which is the subject of the written onp- <br />tract or written agreement; or <br />b. "Your worn" completed as included in the "products-comptted operations hazard", pcrftunrcd rar the <br />additional insured, which is the aubjeet of the written contract orwritten agrcemcnt. <br />C. Howt:ver, regardless of the provisions of paragraphs A. ru;d W above: <br />I. We will net extend any insurance coverage to any additional insured peraon of organwdo <br />a. That is not profited to you in this policy; or <br />b. That it any broader coverage that. you are required to provide to the. additional insured person or or- <br />ganization in the written contrast or written agreemaut. and <br />2. We will not provide Limits of Insurance to any additional insured person or organization that exrrred tho <br />tower of: <br />a. The Limits of lasuran oc provided to you in this policy; or <br />b. The Linuo oflnsuranoc you are required to prrmide in the written contract or written agreerent. <br />teclad a ropyrislttad rattrial of l asuran.e sarvicdn office, tae, V ith iM pormiNk,, U-M-1173-13 CW (7l?1W <br />P"st t of 2