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1.7_ i'KOFESSIONAI. LICENSES <br />Consultant shall, 'throughout the term of this Agreeinexxt, maintain all necessary lieexises, perxruts, <br />approvals, waivers, and exemptions necessary for the provision of the services hereunder and requiraxi by <br />the laws and re�ilations of the United States, the States of Califoniia, the City of Santa Axxa and a1] other <br />govarnmairtal agencies. Consultant shall notify the City itmnediately and in writuip; of its inability to <br />obtain or maintain such p��rxiuts, licensors, approvals, waivers, and exarnptions. Said inability shall be <br />cause for termination of this Agreement. <br />IS. M15CELLANEOiTS I'I20VISiONS <br />a_ Each undarsi�ed represents and waxr -ants that its signature hereinbelow has the power, authox-ity <br />and right to bind tlxair respective partial to each ofthe t�•�+ +� of this AgrP�� -*•t, and shat! i.Ttdarnnify City <br />folly, including reasonable costs and attorney's fees, for any injuries or damages to City in the ev�rxt thee such <br />aul}xority or power is not, in fact, held by the signatory or is withdrawn_ <br />b_ Captiorxs and headings in this Agreement, including the title of this Agx'eament, are far <br />convenience only and are not to be considered ui construing this Ab�reement. <br />c. All Exhibits refexencord herein zuzd attached hereto shall be incorporated as if #ally set forth in th.a <br />body ofthis Ageenient. <br />IN WITNESS WI- LEREOF', the paa-ties hereto have exorcutad this Agree:mant the date and year �hrst above <br />written. <br />ATTEST: <br />�7�w� � - �j�� <br />MARIA I?. HUIZAR .� <br />Clerk ofthe Coxxtticil <br />APPROVED AS TU FORM: <br />By: ��l '. <br />La -a Sheerly —��` <br />Assistant City Attoranay <br />RECONIMI =NIXED F012 APPROVAL- <br />. `�_ <br />�' iStLCC�cn �r J <br />]FRAi�fCISCO GLlITE12 -FZF�' <br />Executive ]>ireetor — FMSA <br />�C�I�"IpY_' �Of SANTA ANA <br />� �� <br />PACJL, M. WAY.1 "ERS <br />City Manager <br />SOFTWARE SF.CUREY) <br />CA lJT US, I1V C_ <br />�' - <br />srlExiF ltoussA <br />(Tide) <br />