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7 1 P a g e- AUDITING SERVICES - REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL <br />Responses to the Request for Proposal (RFP) should be addressed to Purchasing Division, City of <br />Santa Ana, 20 Civic Center Plaza M -16, 4th Floor — Room 429, Santa Ana, CA 92701, and are due <br />no later than 5:00 p.m. March 19, 2012 . Six (6) copies of bound and sealed proposals are <br />required. It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that the proposal is delivered on time. <br />Any proposal received after the deadline will be disqualified. <br />Proposals will be accepted only from parties that are free of all obligations and interests that might <br />conflict with the best interest of the City of Santa Ana. The City will not be liable for any costs <br />incurred in preparing proposals or associated travel costs. The proposer shall furnish the City with <br />such additional information as the City may reasonably require. The City reserves the right to <br />conduct pre- contract negotiations with any or all potential proposers. <br />Any questions and or concerns regarding the RFP should be forwarded to Francisco Gutierrez, <br />Executive Director of Finance and Management Services, at (714) 647 -5420 or Bich Ta, <br />Accounting Manager, at (714) 647 -5434. <br />B. Public Information <br />All submitted proposals, and information included therein and attached thereto, shall become public <br />record upon receipt by the City Council for consideration of selection of auditor. <br />VI. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS <br />Firms bidding shall meet the following minimum qualifications <br />A. Firm shall have successfully completed audits of a minimum of five (5) cities in the last three (3) <br />years. Of the five (5) cities audited at least three (3) must have had redevelopment agencies. <br />B. Staff assigned to the engagement shall have a minimum of one -year of experience in the audit of <br />municipalities and redevelopment agencies. Managers or supervisors assigned to the engagement <br />shall have a minimum of five years of experience in the audit of municipalities and redevelopment <br />agencies. Partners assigned to the engagement shall have a minimum of five years of experience <br />in the audit of municipalities and redevelopment agencies. <br />C. Firm shall have prepared and issued a minimum of five (5) Single Audit reports and five (5) <br />management letters in the last three (3) years. <br />VII. SELECTION PROCESS AND CRITERIA <br />A. Selection Committee <br />All proposals will be reviewed by a selection committee designated by the Executive Director of <br />Finance and Management Services. The selection process will involve the review of the proposal <br />for compliance with the requirements of the RFP, qualifications of the firm and references. <br />Based upon the selection committee's review of the proposals, interviews may be scheduled at the <br />City of Santa Ana City Hall with the most qualified proposers. Finalists will be notified of specific <br />times and will be allowed a total of thirty minutes for their presentation and to answer questions <br />from the selection committee. <br />The auditors will be ranked by the selection committee and will recommend the top ranked auditing <br />firm to the City Council for award of contract. <br />B. Contents of Proposal <br />Proposals shall contain the following information: <br />