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Task 9.2.4 Comparison of Fundino Sources <br />After identifying eligible funding sources and, where possible, the potential magnitudes/ranges <br />of revenue, we will develop a comparative table, based on criteria jointly developed by the in <br />coordination with the City. Criteria may include relative ease of application/implementation, <br />potential funding magnitude, permissible uses of the funding source, potential for local <br />acceptance, etc. Relative advantages and disadvantages will be discussed for each source. <br />Task 9.2.5 Final Report <br />The Cordoba team will prepare a set of recommendations based on the results of Subtask <br />9.2.4, documenting preferred funding sources and the reasons underlying those preferences, <br />actions necessary to secure necessary funding from those sources, and contingency plans for <br />those sources deemed most risky or uncertain. Where two or more options are viewed as <br />equally or similarly attractive, these will be noted with a suggested action plan for subsequent <br />analysis and decision-making during later project phases. We anticipate key personnel <br />attendance at up to five (5) meetings throughout task initiation and review of the final draft <br />report. The team will make presentations as requested <br />Deliverable — Findings shall be combined in a written final report and Power Point Presentation <br />for the findings from Tasks 9.1 throuah Task 9.2.4. <br />TASK 10.0 DRAFT EIS/EIR PREPARATION <br />The DEIS/DEIR shall be prepared to satisfy federal and state NEPA and CEQA requirements. <br />We will utilize previously completed environmental studies to the greatest extent feasible, where <br />applicable. The Cordoba team will identify the environmental, economic, and social and <br />community settings and impacts for each alternative, as well as key issues that may warrant <br />mitigation for the selected project alternative. The environmental analysis will coordinate with <br />the conceptual engineering design to identify changes to the design that might reduce or <br />eliminate identified environmental impacts. For environmental impacts that cannot be eliminated <br />through changes to the project design, mitigation measures necessary to reduce or eliminate <br />such impacts shall be identified. For CEQA analysis, thresholds of significance will be identified <br />and used as a basis for identifying mitigation measures. <br />The Cordoba team will conduct data collection activities in support of the environmental impact <br />analysis in conjunction with City. We will also prepare technical analyses or consultation to <br />include: <br />• Transportation and Circulation Impacts <br />• Land Use & Economic Development <br />• Displacement and Relocation of Existing Uses <br />• Neighborhoods <br />• Visual & Aesthetics <br />• Air Quality <br />26 1 P a e <br />