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The Cordoba team will prepare a Final EIR that addresses comments and refines the work <br />completed in the Draft EIR/EA. A preliminary Final EIR outline will be submitted to the City <br />of Santa Ana for review and approval, including a chapter containing public comments and <br />response to comments. Based on comments received, the Cordoba team will work closely <br />with City on the final response to comments. The Cordoba team will prepare a summary of <br />changes to Draft EIR, by chapter, as well as the documentation of accompanying mitigation <br />measures and commitments. <br />The Cordoba team will assist in the development of Programmatic and/or Memorandum of <br />Agreements to address issues that cannot be finalized until Preliminary Engineering -level <br />design is complete. We will draft mitigation measures based on the agreements for <br />stipulations or mitigation measures and processes to be followed during Final Design, <br />construction, and/or operations that have been prepared by the City. The Cordoba team will <br />incorporate signed agreements, if any, into the FEIR by reference. The Cordoba team will <br />include in the FEIR a complete listing of all Project impacts requiring mitigation and the <br />proposed mitigation measures/commitments. <br />The Cordoba team also will prepare drafts of other related CEQA environmental documents <br />that support the adoption of the project, including Findings of Fact and Statements of <br />Overriding Considerations that will be finalized by the City, and a Mitigation Monitoring and <br />Reporting Plan for adoption at the time of EIR Certification. <br />Deliverables: Two Administrative Drafts of Final EIR; Final EIR (assuming that a <br />full -text final document is not required); Mitigation, Monitoring & <br />Reporting Program Assistance in the preparation of the NOD; <br />Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations (if <br />applicable) <br />11.3 Completion of the Administrative Record <br />The Administrative Record for the project, initiated by URS and maintained through March <br />28, 2012 at the URS Santa Ana office will be transferred back to the Cordoba Team. Upon <br />receipt of Notice to Proceed from Cordoba, Terry A. Hayes Associates (TAHA) will take over <br />maintenance of the Administrative Record. Upon Certification of the EIR and Record of <br />Decision on the EA, the Administrative Record will be transferred to the City of Santa Ana <br />and OCTA. <br />Deliverables: Administrative Record Contents and Index. <br />TASK 12: COMPLETION OF EA <br />The objective of this task is to complete the Environmental Assessment process through the <br />issuance of a determination by FTA, which is anticipated to be a Finding of No Significant <br />Impact (FONSI). <br />12.1 Input to FTA for FONSI <br />The Cordoba team will provide input to the FTA in the preparation of the Finding of No <br />Significant Impact (FONSI). The EA will be modified to reflect all applicable comments and <br />responses received during agency review of the EA and the public review period. The <br />Cordoba team will work closely with FTA, keeping them apprised of the status of finalizing <br />and certifying the EIR as the preparation of the FONSI progresses. Once the FONSI is <br />complete, the state clearinghouse will be notified and notices will be published in local <br />newspapers informing the public of its availability. <br />Deliverables: Two Administrative Drafts of Final EA; Final EA; Notices of Availability <br />