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046/24/2014 11;45 4155121115 SWEET AND 21AXER PAGE 04 <br />(1) That ibis Insursince qe pril ally• If other Inourtinca is also prim ry, we will share with oil that <br />other Inaumnos as described In a,, below; ar' <br />(2) the coverage afforded by thls Insumnizze ie primary and nC11100r,tdbutnry with the ad411tiorh+al <br />irlsured(s)' own insurance. <br />Paragraphs (f) and (2) do not apply to other lnaur`orico ter whloh the oddltional inst•1red(s) has <br />been added as an additional insured or to other Inaurance desorlbOd in paragraph b. below, <br />Excage InaursnotN <br />This insurance is exMSs ever; <br />I • Am of the other Inisuranoe, whether prlroary, exosss, pontingerit Or on any other basis: <br />(a) Thst Is Fire, Extended Coverage, Builder's Risk, lh tallatlOn RUWe or slrOWr coverage for <br />"your work "; <br />(b) That Is fire, 110htrilrrp, or explosion Inauranae For prernlses rented tp you or tomporarlly <br />vwupled by y014 with permisafan of the owriar; <br />(o) That it? insurance pumhaasd by you to uovpr your liah5 city 09 0 tenant for "proporty <br />dai'Mogo" to promisee tennpprsrlly ocoupled by you with permission of the owner; or <br />(d) 4 the lass adaes out of this molritehenae or use of alreraft, "autQS" nr watercwaft td thr . <br />axtsnt riot subject to Cmxolusion o. of NOTION I — COVERAOE A — BODI LY INJURY <br />AN11i9 PROPERTY DAMAGE, <br />(a) That Is any other Insuronr ei evail$ble to an addltionrgl Irrsureel(s) 0nder this 4ndorsement <br />ocverinq IlablAy for damagen arising out of the prsrriisey ar operational or praductZ., <br />c rnp*ted ciparatlons, for which the (0000nol insvr0d(s) hoe beell added as arc <br />additional Inrr,urad by that other insurancto, <br />(1) WI7e11 thin Insur9nC4 is o OP$, we will have no duty under Cpverwgos A or N to dofand thq <br />additional Insureds) agali* oily "obit" if oriy other insurer has a 60ty to defend the additional <br />Insllrerd(y) against that "cull ". If rrc other Insurer defends, we will underl4fre; to an sa, but wq <br />wlil" entitled to the additional insured(s)' rightre against all throw 0110r Insurers. <br />(2) When this Inauram.9 Is ocasd sever other insurance, we will pay only oUr ,hare of tho Arrount <br />of tho I�sa, If any, that exc uoQd$ the sum of; <br />(p) The total ameum that ail srjch other Insrumroe would PaY far the IQ$Q in the absencle of <br />this Insumnre; and <br />(b) Thd total of all dejurNtit�le and seI1Hnitured amounts urider all that other lnsurar,ce, <br />(0) Wo will shore the remuloing loss, if any, with any other insurarjoa that I� r101 dssoril�er) In this <br />P0040 thsoranaa provlsian and was fat bought specitioally tp epply In cxootss ofthe Q, iilw <br />of Inauronoo, shown in the Ceoloratlons of thle Coverege Part. <br />c. 910hods of sharing <br />if all of the r2therr Inauranae avaliabie to the additional insurad(s) perrnitu cQntribution by equal <br />sharr;s, we will failow this method also, Under this appromch rear h insurer cantrfbuteu equal <br />aimounta until 11 has paid its oppliumble Vnilt of li'1surarrcr~ or nano cf tho ions remains, whiolirtiver <br />comes flPat. <br />If any other tnet tither Inauranae >;avWable to the sttciltianaf Insured(s) does not permit cootr'iiiution <br />by equal shares, we will corrtrlbvto by omits Under thls method, eabh lnsurer`8 share Is hassd pn <br />the ratio of Its applicable limit at insurance to tkse total appli041?11Tr Ifrnits of InauMoe of all Insurers, <br />voOi <br />N.IAiC -F,61 02 13 i —� <br />U �4(,ti�, Aticrrne�! <br />ASSS'�aTi <br />�fq <br />