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Attachment "A" <br />One-Stop Partner Commitment <br />1. PARTIES: The parties to this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) are the Mayor <br />and City Council of the City of Santa Ana, the Santa Ana Workforce Investment Board <br />(WIB), the Southern California Indian Center, Inc. and other agencies (identified in the <br />"One-Stop Partner Commitment", Attachments "A" and "B: to this MOU) functioning <br />as "One-Stop Partners" within the Santa Ana One-Stop System (hereinafter referred to as <br />the Santa Ana WORK Center). <br />In addition to accepting the provisions contained in the MOU, the Southern California <br />Indian Center, Inc. commits to the following: <br />• The Southern California Indian Center will refer clients to the Santa Ana WORK <br />Center for placement assistance when it is mutually beneficial for the clients and <br />agencies involved. <br />• The Southern California Indian Center staff will familiarize themselves with the <br />WORK Center in order to facilitate the referral process. <br />• The Southern California Indian Center will collaborate as required by their mutual <br />funding sources. <br />Full-time equivalents (FTEs) of Agency Staff Assigned to Santa Ana W/O/R/K Center: N/A <br />Hours/days per week Agency Staff Assigned to Santa Ana W/O/R/K Center: N/A <br />PERFORMANCE GOALS: <br />Customer Service <br />All on-site, One-Stop Partners shall commit to the following goals for the W/O/R/K Center: <br />1. To conform to a uniform policy of customer service; <br />2. To develop customer service principles all One-Stop Partners must implement; <br />3. To implement an on-going system for measuring customer service levels; and, <br />4. To participate in a task force empowered to oversee, measure and respond to customer <br />service data. <br />7