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JTA/MIS forms are processed in a chronological order by the Service Provider and the SAWC. Once the <br />application, enrollment, and youth test score forms are submitted to the SAWC for enrollment, it is the <br />responsibility of the Service Navigator to ensure that all information is accurate, including documented <br />youth test scores, enrollment activities, education status, in addition to making sure all forms have <br />appropriate signatures and dates It is very important to track key information from each form in order to <br />produce reports for Service Providers, track performance outcomes, and have the information readily <br />available to provide guidance to the Service Provider on how to proceed with their participants at any <br />given period. The SAWC has developed its own tracking database tailored to provide the above <br />capabilities while giving itself the flexibility and information to provide the YSPN with specialized <br />technical assistance. <br />In addition to the tracking system, a reference file has been created for each youth enrolled in the YSPN <br />in order to track JTA/MIS forms and ensure accuracy of information. The SAWC will make copies of the <br />completed JTA/MIS forms and forward them to the MIS Unit for entry into the State data system for <br />official enrollment. Copies of the JTA/MIS forms with an official stamp will be returned to the <br />corresponding Service Provider. <br />As youth activities are updated or closed, the Service Provider is to submit JTA/MIS forms along with <br />data verification, if necessary. The SAWC will ensure their accuracy, input the data into the tracking <br />system, duplicate the forms, and submit the forms to the MIS Unit for official recording. <br />Once a Service Provider is ready to exit a youth participant, SAWC is consulted to determine the best exit <br />strategy. The objective is to make sure that the youth has received quality and necessary assistance to <br />improve their situation and meet WIA Performance Measures. As the Service Navigator, the SAWC is <br />responsible for reviewing every exit form, requesting data validation if necessary for all outcomes <br />claimed, obtaining post-test score forms, making sure that all activities are closed, and ensuring that <br />exiting the youth is in the best interest of the youth first and then to the YSPN as a whole. Once that has <br />been established, all exit forms and pertinent information are inputted into the tracking system and copies <br />are made and sent to the MIS unit for entry into the JTA system. Follow-up services will be conducted for <br />one year for each exited participant by the responsible Service Provider. Follow-Up forms will be <br />submitted to the SAWC for review, for input into the tracking system, for data validation, and to enter <br />into the JTA system. <br />ROADTRIP NATION EXPERIENCE PROGRAM <br />The SAWC through collaboration with Roadtrip Nation, an independent organization that empowers <br />youth to define their own road in life, plans to embed the Roadtrip Nation (RTN) Experience curriculum <br />into the Service Navigator's responsibility. The goals of the RTN Experience are to inspire and excite <br />youth about what they have or are studying in school, to connect youth's educational experience to their <br />real world experiences, and to expose youth to pathways that are relevant to their individual hopes and <br />dream. The SAWC believes that bringing together youth from each Service Providers program and the <br />program curriculum from the RTN, will help Youth gain a new perspective on education, gain exposure to <br />life, and career pathways that they may have not otherwise known existed. <br />The SAWC will implement Roadtrip Nation project-based curriculum with 50 youth throughout program <br />year 2012-2013. All youth who participate will benefit from multiple perspectives that they would not <br />otherwise have had in their transition into adulthood. Multimedia materials and Interview Archive will be <br />provided to all participating youth as a tool in order to help them discover their own passions and <br />9