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3. There shall be no exterior advertising of any kind or type, including <br />advertising directed to the exterior from within, promoting ar indicating the <br />availability of alcoholic beverages on the premises. Interior displays of <br />alcoholic beverages or signs, which are clearly visible to the exterior, shall <br />constitute a violation of this condition. <br />4. It shall be the applicant{s) responsibility to ensure that no alcoholic <br />beverages are consumed on any property adjacent to the licensed <br />premises under the control of the applicant{s}, with the exception of the <br />enclosed patio areas. <br />5. The applicant{s) or an employee of the licensee{s) will be present in the <br />patio area at all times that alcoholic beverages are being served or <br />consumed. <br />6. The applicant{s} shall be responsible for maintaining free of litter the area <br />adjacent to the premises under the control of the licensee. <br />7. There shall be no public telephones located on the exterior of the premises. <br />All interior pay phones must be designed to allow outgoing calls only. <br />8. There shall be no pool tables, amusement machines or video games <br />maintained on the premises at any time. <br />9. Ambient music shall not be played outside the premises. Musiclnoise shall <br />not be audible beyond 20 feet from the exterior of the premises in any <br />direction. <br />10. This land use authorization is only for a Type 47 on-sale general for bona <br />fide public eating place, any other license use at this location will require a <br />new land use clearance. <br />11. Neither the applicant, nor any person or entity operating the premises with <br />the permission of the applicant, shall violate the City's adult entertainment <br />ordinance contained in SAMC section 12-1 and 12-2. <br />12. The premises shall not be operated as an adult entertainment business as <br />such term is defined in Santa Ana Municipal Code section 41-1701.6. <br />13. This conditional use permit shall be reviewed at six months, atone year and <br />then annually thereafter by the Police Department for any modification to <br />the conditions of approval. <br />Exhibit A <br />Page 2 of 3 Resolution No. 2412-xx <br />Page 6 of 7 <br />