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City of Santa Ana Request for Proposal for <br />General Plan Housing Element Update 2013-2021 <br />C. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals submitted and no representation is <br />made hereby that any contract will be awarded pursuant to this RFP or otherwise. <br />XI. CONSULTANT SELECTION <br />The City of Santa Ana will designate a Consultant Selection Committee, which will evaluate each <br />proposal based on technical criteria, staffing and qualifications listed within the RFP and make a <br />selection. The Committee will interview a short list of consultants on afternoon of <br />Thursday, December 13, 2012 at 20 Civic Center Plaza, Ross Annex, 2nd floor. Please <br />reserve this date. Final approval of the selection will be given by the City Council, with contract <br />authorization by the Executive Director of the Planning and Building Agency. <br />XII. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS <br />All required insurance must be current and up-to-date in advance and renewed annually. A <br />consultant may not work for the City of Santa Ana until the appropriate insurance has been <br />provided and approved by the City Attorney. This shall be verified by City Staff. A certificate of <br />insurance is enclosed for your reference as Exhibit B. Please refer to the sample agreement for <br />the necessary amounts of general liability, automotive, worker's compensation and professional <br />liability insurance. The appropriate endorsements are also shown within the sample contract <br />agreement. The certificate shall include the City of Santa Ana and its officers and employees as <br />insured or additional insured. <br />XIII. METHOD OF PAYMENT <br />The Consultant shall submit a monthly invoice to the City for the services rendered in that month. <br />The invoice shall include a summary, as well as a detailed breakdown of the services, the project <br />title, the tasks, the hours, and hourly rates. <br />XIV. DELAYS <br />The City reserves the right to delay scheduled dates if it is to the advantage of the City <br />XV. THE CITY'S AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM <br />The City has an affirmative action program. The purpose of the affirmative action program is to <br />encourage certified minority business enterprises and women business enterprises. All Submitting <br />firms must have established affirmative action programs approvable by the City. The attached <br />Exhibit C, "Certification of Non-Discrimination by Contractors" shall be completed by each <br />submitting firm and included in the proposal. <br />M. ? 1!, t ;,,:`; 1 13,.RFF'.kFP AttaJj 1!0 it 2'.e' dDcx <br />9 <br />19F-11