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ROH - 10/08/12 <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2012-11 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF <br />THE CITY OF SANTA ANA APPROVING CONDITIONAL <br />USE PERMIT NO. 2012-22 AS CONDITIONED TO ALLOW <br />A RESTAURANT AND DRIVE-THROUGH LANE IN THE <br />NORTH HARBOR SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-2) AND VARIANCE <br />NO. 2012-08 AS CONDITIONED TO ALLOW A <br />REDUCTION IN THE VEHICLE STACKING LANE FOR <br />THE DRIVE-THROUGH FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED <br />AT 3825 WEST FIRST STREET <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF <br />SANTA ANA AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. The Planning Commission of the City of Santa Ana hereby finds, <br />determines and declares as follows: <br />A. The applicant is requesting approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 2012- <br />22 to allow a restaurant and drive-through lane in the North Harbor <br />Specific Plan (SP-2) zoning district and Variance No. 2012-08 to allow a <br />reduction in the vehicle stacking lane for the drive-through for the property <br />located at 3825 West First Street. <br />B. Conditional Use Permit No. 2012-22 and Variance No. 2012-08 came <br />before the Planning Commission of the City of Santa Ana for a duly <br />noticed public hearing on October 8, 2012. <br />C. The North Harbor Specific Plan (SP-2) section 3.5.2(1) requires a <br />conditional use permit for any drive-through facility located in the general <br />commercial zone of the North Harbor Specific Plan (SP-2). <br />D. Santa Ana Municipal Code Section 41-638(a)(1) authorizes the Planning <br />Commission to grant a conditional use permit upon making certain <br />findings. <br />1. That the proposed use will provide a service or facility, which will <br />contribute to the general well being of the neighborhood or the <br />community. <br />The project will provide a service or facility which will <br />contribute to the community. The commercial eating <br />establishment will provide additional dining options and <br />social gathering opportunities to residents and visitors of the <br />City. This restaurant achieves the goals of the North Harbor <br />Specific Plan adopted in 1994, in response to the <br />community's interest to encourage additional sit down <br />restaurants to serve the area. The project will also involve <br />Resolution No. 2012-xx <br />31 A-1 7 Page 1 of 6