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G. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the proposed <br />project is exempt from further review pursuant to Section 15301, Class 1 <br />for a project that consists of minor alterations of an existing structure, and <br />Class 15303, Class 3 for a new commercial building less than 10,000 <br />square feet in an urbanized area. Categorical Exemption Environmental <br />Review No. 2012-52 will be filed for this project. <br />Section 3. The Planning Commission of the City of Santa Ana, after <br />conducting the public hearing, hereby approves for the property located at 3825 West <br />First Street: <br />1. Conditional Use Permit No. 2012-22(a), as conditioned in Exhibit <br />"A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, to allow a restaurant in the <br />North Harbor Specific Plan (SP-2) zoning district. <br />2. Conditional Use Permit No. 2012-22(b), as conditioned in Exhibit <br />"A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, to allow a drive through lane. <br />3. Variance No. 2012-08, as conditioned in Exhibit "B" attached hereto <br />and incorporated herein, to allow a reduction in the vehicle stacking lane <br />for the drive-through lane. <br />These decisions are based upon the evidence submitted at the above said hearing, <br />which includes, but is not limited to: the Request for Planning Commission Action dated <br />October 8, 2012, and exhibits attached thereto; and the public testimony, all of which <br />are incorporated herein by this reference. <br />ADOPTED this 8th day of October, 2012 by the following vote: <br />AYES: Commissioners: Acosta, Alderete, Gartner, Mill, Nalle, Yrarrazaval(6) <br />NOES: Commissioners: None (0) <br />ABSENT: Commissioners: Turner (1) <br />ABSTENTIONS: Commissioners: None <br />Eric Alderete <br />Chairman <br />Resolution No. 2012-xx <br />31A-21 Page 5 of 6