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CUP No. 2012-22 & VA No. 2012-08 <br />October 8, 2012 <br />Page 5 <br />The proposed use will not adversely affect the economic stability of the area but will instead <br />identify the site as a viable site to conduct business. The site was previously vacant and is <br />proposed to be occupied by a use that is consistent with the zoning for the property. The reuse of <br />the site, in conjunction with the improvements that will be made to the site, will enhance the <br />economic viability of the area. <br />• The use will be in compliance with all regulations and provisions of Chapter 41 (Zoning Code) of <br />the Santa Ana Municipal Code. Site improvements are proposed to the parking lot that will bring <br />the site into compliance with the Zoning Code, in conjunction with a requested variance for a <br />reduction in the vehicle stacking requirement for the drive-through lane. <br />The proposed use will not adversely affect the General Plan, but rather support its goals. Goal 1 <br />of the Land Use Element encourages uses that promote a balance of land uses that address basic <br />community needs. Goal 2 encourages uses that enhance the City's economic and fiscal viability. <br />Goal 5 ensures that the impacts of development are mitigated. In addition, the proposed <br />restaurant use is consistent with the concepts and policies of the North Harbor Specific Plan to <br />promote uses that enhance and support the residential uses surrounding Harbor Boulevard, and <br />Goal 5 supports the enhancement of the economic viability of the Harbor Boulevard area. The <br />restaurant will further these policy goals as it will occupy a vacant space within a major <br />commercial center, thereby identifying this center as a viable and successful economic center. <br />Variance <br />Popeye's Louisiana Kitchen proponent is seeking a variance to allow a 23 feet reduction, the <br />equivalent of 1.3 cars in length, from the required drive-through lane stacking distance. Variance <br />requests are governed by Section 41-638 of the SAMC. Variance requests may be granted when it <br />can be shown that the following can be established: <br />Variance requests are governed by Section 41-638 of the SAMC, and may be granted when it can be <br />shown that the following can be established: <br />• That there exists a special circumstance related to the property, such as size, shape, topography, <br />location or surroundings. <br />• That the granting of the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial <br />property rights. <br />• That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public or surrounding property. <br />• That the granting of the variance will not adversely affect the General Plan. <br />31A-7