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4.7 If the nozzle pressure of equipment used to loosen and clean hardscapes is <br />insufficient to thoroughly wash the surface, scrub brushes and cleaners may be <br />require to remove the materials and produce a thoroughly clean surface. <br />4.9 All cleaned surfaces shall be rinsed clean and no fine grit or grime shall be <br />allowed to remain. <br />4.9 Glass surfaces, which may get wet as a result of cleaning operations, shall be <br />hand-dried immediately after the conclusion of the operation in the immediate <br />area. <br />4.10 Immediately following the cleaning of the hardscape areas, all materials generated <br />by the operation shall be collected and placed in Contractor's trash containers or <br />otherwise removed from the site. <br />4.11 All areas barricaded while drying shall be opened by Contractor and made <br />available for use when the area(s) are completely dry. <br />5. Personnel <br />5.1 Project Foreman. Unless the Contractor is available as required herein, the <br />Contractor shall provide a Project Foreman to be available during the normal <br />hours of operation to act with full authority for the Contractor. This individual <br />shall be responsible for the supervision, overall administration, and coordination <br />of all required services. The Contractor shall provide the name(s) and <br />telephone(s) of the Project Foreman(s) within one week after contract award date. <br />The Contractor shall provide written notice to the Director in advance of any <br />change of the Project Foreman. The Project Foreman shall be able to understand, <br />speak, read, and write the English language as is necessary for the fulfillment of <br />the terms of the Agreement. The Project Foreman shall return all calls from the <br />Director within two hours. <br />5.2 Alternate Project Foreman. The Contractor shall designate at least one Alternate <br />Project Foreman to act for the Project Foreman with the same authority during <br />absences of the Project Foreman (e.g., vacation and sick leave). The Contractor <br />shall provide the name(s) and telephone number(s) of the Alternate Project <br />Foreman(s) within one week after contract award date. The Contractor shall <br />provide written notice to the Director in advance of any change of Alternate <br />Project Foreman. The Alternate Project Foreman shall be able to understand, <br />speak, read, and write the English language as is necessary for the fulfillment of <br />the terms of the Agreement. <br />5.3 Contractor Employee Skills Required. The Contractor's employees performing <br />the services required by this Agreement shall have specialized training, prior work <br />10 <br />25C-12