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and (c) replace such certificates for policies expiring prior to completion of work under this <br />Agreement. <br />2. District shall require Contractor to post performance and payment bonds to cover the entire <br />construction period. <br />M. Access to Records. At their sole cost, the City and the United States Government and /or their <br />representatives shall have reasonable access to the District's books, documents and papers concerning the <br />construction of the MPR/CC to audit expenditures on the MPR/CC for compliance with CDBG <br />requirements. The District shall require the Contractor to provide the same access to the Contractor's <br />records for constructing the MPR/CC. City and the United States Government and/or their representatives <br />shall also schedule on -site monitoring at their discretion. Monitoring activities may also include, but are <br />not limited to, questioning employees and participants in said program and entering any premises or any <br />site in which any of the services or activities funded hereunder is conducted or in which any of the records <br />of District are kept. Nothing herein shall be construed to require access to any privileged or confidential <br />information as set forth in federal or state law. <br />28. Character of City's Funding For MPR/CC Design Services. <br />A. The City represents and warrants that CDBG funds applied to the MPR/CC are appropriate under federal <br />law. The City shall promptly review, upon the District providing such, the MPR/CC's designs, procurement <br />for construction, progress of construction, and District administrative processes and provide the District with <br />direction on any administrative procedures, documentation, and/or processes required to ensure that the <br />MPR/CC complies with all CDBG requirements. To the extent that CDBG funds are nonetheless deemed to <br />be misapplied to the MPR/CC including the failure to use the buildings in accordance with one of the national <br />objectives in 24 CFR § 570.208, by HUD, any State or Federal agency, or any court of competent jurisdiction <br />and CDBG funds for the MPR/CC are disgorged from the District, the City shall make the District whole by <br />reimbursing the District within a reasonable time for any of its damages, fines, penalties, or losses of any <br />kind. <br />B. This paragraph 28 shall survive the termination of this Agreement. District represents and warrants that it <br />shall not knowingly misapply funding provided hereunder or knowingly use such funds for any unauthorized <br />uses. <br />Construction Reimbursement Agreement — City of Santa Ana /SAUSD — MPR/CC 8 -28 -12 Page 8 <br />