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Page 9 of 41 <br />The Contractor's Supervisor shall accompany the Director on weekly <br />inspection tours of the Zoo. During the tour the Contractor's Supervisor <br />shall communicate to the Director what work was completed the previous <br />week, what changes were made or are being contemplated for the future <br />and what work is scheduled for the upcoming week and month. <br />2) The Contractor shall provide Irrigation Specialists who possess, at <br />minimum, a Certificate in -Ornamental Horticulture Certificate of <br />Proficiency Specialization in Landscape Irrigation' to perform all irrigation <br />checks, repairs, modifications, etc. Should the Contractor have or staff <br />Irrigation Specialists with equal or greater educational qualifications they <br />may appeal to the Director for approval (see Exhibit D). Any Contractor <br />staff that does not meet this criteria who is discovered working on <br />irrigation will be immediately stopped and the Contractor agrees to pay a <br />$150.00 penalty per occurrence. <br />4) The Contractor shall insure that fully qualified, experienced personnel, <br />directly employed by the Contractor, perform all work under this <br />agreement. <br />5) The Contractor shall be responsible for the skills, methods, appearance <br />and action of Contractor's employees and for all work done. The <br />Contractor's employees shall be U.S. Citizens or legal residents. <br />6) The Contractor shall perform the work provided for in this contract under <br />the direction of the Director. The Director may make inspections at any <br />time and may request that the Contractor perform additional work or <br />services to bring Contractor's performance to the level required by this <br />agreement. <br />7) The Contractor shall remove from the contracted work sites any employee <br />who is found objectionable to the Director. <br />C. Material <br />1) The Contractor shall submit a list to the Director all materials that the <br />Contractor proposes to use in the execution of this work. The list shall <br />include Material Safety Data Sheets or any other chemical analysis where <br />applicable, recommended usage and any other pertinent data by the <br />manufacturer of the material. Said list shall be submitted before use of <br />any product, pursuant to the provisions of this agreement. <br />2) The following shall apply to the material indicated: <br />a. Fertilizers shall be complete, furnishing the required percentage of <br />nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash to keep lawns, trees, shrubs <br />and other plants in a healthy and vigorous growing condition. <br />25H-23 <br />