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4.11 Discrimination Complaint means any complaint filed with a government body or commission formed for <br />the express purpose to combat discrimination, against you by any individual who is or was your employee, <br />applicant for employment, partner, associate, Of Counsel or volunteer of the NAMED INSURED. <br />4.12 Extended reporting period means the period of time after the end of the policy period for reporting <br />claims arising out of covered acts occurring during the policy period. Terms and conditions relating to the <br />purchase of an extended reporting period endorsement are set forth in Condition 6.9. <br />4.13 Fiduciary, except in Exclusion 5.4, means you in your capacity as an administrator, conservator, executor, <br />guardian, committee of an incompetent, trustee, receiver, escrow agent, or any similar capacity but only in <br />the course of rendering or failure to render professional services for others. <br />4.14 NAMED INSURED means the individual, partnership, or firm engaged in the practice of law under the name <br />stated in Item 1 of the Declarations and its predecessor practice, if any. <br />4.15 Not-for-Profit Organization means an entity which qualifies as a nonprofit organization under Section <br />501(c) (3), (c) (4) (c) (6) or (c) (7) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, including amendments thereto. As <br />used herein, Not-for-Profit Organization shall not include the Named Insured or any client of the Named <br />Insured. <br />4.16 Interrelated covered act(s) means covered acts which are the same, related, or continuous; or covered <br />acts which arise from the same, related, or common nexus of facts. Claims can allege interrelated <br />covered acts regardless of whether such claims involve the same or different claimants, number of you, or <br />legal causes of action. <br />4.17 Loss means damages, judgments, settlements, and defense costs which you are legally obligated to <br />pay; provided, however, that loss does not include fines, penalties, sanctions, taxes, or exemplary <br />damages, the multiple portion of multiplied damages, reimbursement, disgorgement, reduction, set-off, or <br />return of fees, costs, or expenses, any amount for which you are not financially liable or for which is without <br />legal recourse to you, or matters which may be deemed uninsurable under the law pursuant to which this <br />policy is construed. <br />4.18 Policy period means the period of time between the inception date shown in Item 2 of the Declarations and <br />the effective date of cancellation or expiration of this policy but specifically excludes any extended <br />reporting period. <br />4.19 Predecessor practice means the lawyer(s) or law firm identified in the application as a predecessor <br />practice and to whose financial assets and liabilities the Named Insured is the majority successor in <br />interest (50% or more of the former firm's assets and liabilities). <br />4.20 Personal injury means allegations of libel, slander, or other defamatory or disparaging material or <br />publication; utterance in violation of an individual's right of privacy; false arrest, detention, or imprisonment; <br />covered entry, eviction, or other invasion of the right of private occupancy; or malicious prosecution. <br />4.21 Principal Insured means a member of the board of managers, director, executive officer, natural person, <br />partner, owner of a sole proprietorship, principal, risk manager, or in-house general counsel of the Named <br />Insured. <br />4.22 Professional services means legal and consulting services and activities performed by you for others <br />provided that the remuneration for such services or advice, or a portion thereof, inures to your benefit: <br />4.22.1 performed as a lawyer, notary public, arbitrator, mediator, title insurance agent, designated issuing <br />lawyer to a title insurance company, fiduciary, or speaker or author of legal treatises; <br />4.22.2 provided by a lawyer in connection with any bar association, its governing board, or any of its <br />committees; <br />4.22.3 the publication or presentation of research papers or similar materials by you; <br />4.22.4 provided in connection with pro bono representation; or <br />4.22.5 provided by your employee in connection with assisting a lawyer to perform the activities described <br />in 4.22.1, 4.22.2, 4.22.3 and 4.22.4 above for others on the behalf of you. <br />LPLPOL01 [10/10] Page 7 of 14 Protective Insurance Company