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5.3 arising out of, based upon, attributable to, or alleging activities performed by you in connection with a trust <br />or estate if you are a beneficiary or distributes of the trust or estate; <br />5.4 arising out of, based upon, attributable to, or alleging activities performed by you as a fiduciary under the <br />Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, its amendments, or any regulations or orders <br />promulgated pursuant thereto unless you are a fiduciary solely due to professional services rendered to <br />clients; <br />5.5 arising out of, based upon, attributable to, or alleging a covered act committed by you in connection with <br />any business enterprise which is not the NAMED INSURED if, at the time of such covered act any of you, <br />had a Controlling Interest in such business enterprise. This exclusion applies whether or not a lawyer- <br />client relationship existed; <br />5.6 arising out of, based upon, attributable to, or alleging the activities performed by you as a public official or <br />as an employee of a governmental body, subdivision, or agency thereof, unless you are employed solely to <br />render professional services and the remuneration for the professional services is paid to you; <br />5.7 arising out of, based upon, attributable to, or alleging bodily injury, sickness, disease, death, mental <br />anguish, emotional distress, or humiliation to any person. However, this exclusion does not apply to mental <br />anguish, emotional distress, or humiliation solely caused by personal injury; <br />5.8 arising out of, based upon, attributable to, or alleging property damage including destruction or loss of use <br />of tangible property. However, this exclusion does not apply to client records which are in your care, <br />custody or control, or over which you are exercising physical control for any reason; <br />5.9 except as provided in clause 1.3.5 Discriminatory Complaint Regulatory Coverage, arising out of any of <br />your past or present directors, officers, partners, members or employees alleging discrimination by you on <br />the basis of age, color, race, sex, sexual orientation, creed, national origin, or marital status; <br />5.10 arising out of, based upon, attributable to, or alleging any liability assumed by you under any contract or <br />agreement whereby you have agreed to participate in the payment of a loss, including lawyer's fees, court <br />costs, and costs payable under a title insurance policy. <br />5.11 any claim arising in whole or in part out of notarized certification or acknowledgment of a signature without <br />the physical appearance before such notary public. <br />6. CONDITIONS <br />6.1 Territory <br />This policy applies to covered acts occurring worldwide and suits brought in the United States its' territories <br />and possessions and Canada. <br />6.2 Multiple persons and entities insured, claims, and claimants <br />All claims alleging a covered act or interrelated covered acts regardless of: the number of claims; the <br />number of you insured; or, the number of claimants; are considered to be one claim. All such claims are <br />considered first made at the time the first claim alleging such covered act or interrelated covered acts <br />was first made. Interrelated covered acts are deemed to have occurred at the time the first interrelated <br />covered act occurred. <br />6.3 Notice of Claim and Claim Reporting Procedures <br />6.3.1 If, during the policy period or, if applicable, extended reporting period, either <br />a. a claim is made against any of you; or <br />b. (i) you (if an individual), (ii) any partner, principal, director, officer or shareholder (iii) any member <br />of your management or executive committee, or (iv) any person of the NAMED INSURED with <br />management responsibility for evaluating or dealing with actual or potential claims against you <br />LPLPOL01 [10/10] Page 9 of 14 Protective Insurance Company