Pl-GLD--VS (01108)
<br />It is agreed that, based on our reliance on yo.ur representations as to existing hazards, if you should
<br />unintentionally fail to. disclose all such hazards prior to the beginning of the policy period of this
<br />Coverage Part, we shall not deny oavarade under this Coverage Pan because of such failure.
<br />M, I.iberali�al;.4cTrt
<br />if we revise this endorsement to provide more coverage without additional premium charge, we will
<br />automatically provide th6 additional coverage to all endorsement holders as of the day the revision is
<br />effective In your state.
<br />Bodily Inlut_y, - Mental Anggish
<br />SECTION V — DEFINITIONS, Paragraph 3. Is changed to read:
<br />'Bodily Injury:
<br />Moans bodily injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person, and Includes mental anguish
<br />resulting from any of these; and .
<br />Except for mental anguish, includes death resulting from the foregoing (item a. above) at any
<br />time,
<br />excluded from this Coverage Part, the detinition of "personal and advertising injury" is amended as
<br />follows;
<br />1, SECTION V — DEFINITIONS, Paragraph i4 b, is revised to read:
<br />b. Malicious prosecution or abuse of process:
<br />2, SECTION V — DEFINITIONS, Paragraph 14. is amended to Include the. follqwlng.
<br />"Persona[ Injur
<br />. y" also means discrimination based on race, dolor, religion, sex, age. or national
<br />, except wheri,
<br />a. Done intentionally by or at the direction of, or with the knowledge or consent of:
<br />(I) Any Insured; or
<br />(2) Any executive officer, director, fockholder, partaer or member o.f the Insured-, or
<br />b.. Mireotly or Indirectly related to the.ernploymoot, former or prospective employment,
<br />termination of employment, or application for smptoyment of any person. or persons by an
<br />Insured, or
<br />c. Directly or indirectly related to the sale, rental, lease or sublease or prospective sales, rental,
<br />lease or sub-lease of any room, dwelling or prernites by or at the direction of any insured, or
<br />d. Insurance for such discrimination Is prohibited by or hold In violation of law, public policy,
<br />court decision or mciminiatratIve ruling,
<br />The above does not apply to flues or pen6ltles Imposed because of discrimination,
<br />As a clarification, the following is added to SECTION IV — COMMERMAL GEN eRAL LIABIL"
<br />CONDITIONS, Subsection 8. Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Others To Us,
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<br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc,, with its permission.
<br />