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a. The Contractor shall be responsible for the complete <br />removal and replacement of any and all trees lost due to <br />normal attrition, or to the Contractor's faulty maintenance <br />or negligence, including but not limited to girdling trees with <br />string trimmers or tree ties, improper planting of new trees, <br />improper pruning techniques which disfigure or destroy the <br />trees natural integrity and shape, or failure to detect and <br />prevent treatable diseases and insect infestations as <br />determined by the Projects Manager or designee. <br />b. Replacement shall be made by the Contractor in the kind <br />and size of trees determined by the Projects Manager or <br />designee. Where there is a difference in value between <br />the trees lost and the replacement of trees, this difference <br />will be deducted from the contract payment. In all cases, <br />the value of the trees lost will be determined by the <br />Projects Manager or designee using the latest American <br />Shade Tree Conference guidelines for value <br />determination. <br />7) Reporting <br />a. An annual report shall be provided by an ISA Certified <br />Arborist, by January 30th of each year, on the overall <br />condition and health of all trees under the scope of this <br />contract. Specific trees in need of additional care or <br />removal shall be identified by species location and/or <br />address. <br />b. The Contractor shall provide an annual report identifying <br />the location, address and species of tree vacancies. <br />E. WEEDS, DISEASE, AND PEST CONTROL <br />Weed Control <br />a. All landscape and hardscape areas within the specified <br />scope of work (including, but not limited to, turf, shrub and <br />ground cover, planters, tree wells, ornamental bark or rock <br />areas, sidewalk, asphalt or concrete areas) shall be kept <br />free of weeds and foreign grasses at all times. The <br />complete removal of all weed growth shall be <br />accomplished on a continuing basis. Weeds shall be <br />controlled by hand and approved mechanical or chemical <br />methods. <br />b. The transferring of weeds or disease from one infected <br />turf, plant or tree to another turf, plant or tree through <br />improper or faulty maintenance shall be considered <br />25E-34