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SECURITY, ACCESS AND FIRE TECHNOLOGY, INC. <br />P,O. Box e5421 Huntington Beach, CA 9MS,6 2 * (714) 9648793 * C40 Llc. No. 764019 State License No, ACO5290 .i <br />AGREEMENT Initial: <br />SAFTECH Su fiber <br />THIS AGREEMENT is made this day of 2001 by and (&) between SECURITY, ACCESS AND FIRE TECHNOLOGY, INC. (hereinafter <br />referred to as SAFTECH) & Ctv of Santa Ana of: 20 Civic Center Plaza P.O. Box 1988 Santa Ana California (hereinafter referred to as "Subscriber"). <br />1. INSTALLATION: SAFTECH agrees to monitor & to service, without liability, & not as an Insurer, during the term of this agreement, a system ("System") <br />as describe in the Schedule of Protection No. A. B C D E F attached hereto & made a part hereof at the premises of Subscriber at: <br />SUBSCRIBER TO OBTAIN & PAY FOR CITY ALARM PERMIT, IF REQUIRED. <br />a) Upon acceptance of this agreement by SAFTECH & Subscriber, SAFTECH will commence installation of the system on or about NA 2001, <br />& unless delayed by request of Subscriber, shall substantially complete all work on or about NA , 2DO1. <br />b) Failure of SAFTECH, wthout legal excuse, to substantially commence work within (20) days from the approximate date specified harem as <br />commencement of installation is a violation of the Alarm Company Act, & specifies remeles to the Subscriber for residential Installation. Substantial <br />commencement of work Is defined as NA . <br />c) Upon completion of the installation of the system by SAFTECH, SAFTECH will thoroughly instruct the Subscriber in its proper use. <br />2. TERM, PAYMENT, RENEWAL: Subscriber hereby agrees to pay to SAFTECH, its agents or assigns: <br />X System purchased by Subscriber, -Full service rental of system, X SAFTECH will service, repair & maintain said system as requested by Subscriber, & will <br />X montor said system signals. ALL SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY SAFTECH SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS AGREEMENT WHICH <br />SPECIFICALLY LIMITS LIABILITY, & NOT AS AN INSURER. <br />For installation fee, the sum of NA } Dollars, payable NA ($ NA ) Dollars upon execution of this agreement (NOT TO EXCEED 10% OF THE <br />TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE OR $1000.00, WHICHEVER fSTHE LESSOR) & NA ($;g_) Dollars upon completion of wiring of system & NA ($. NA ) <br />Dollars upon completion of installation of the system. <br />X For Monitoring only (excludes maintenance, service or testing), the sum of two hundred ninety seven & OD/100 ($ 297.OD } Dollars, per month, payable <br />quarterly, in advance of the 1st day of the month, commencing from above date, for a period of silly (OD) month(s) from above date. In addition, together with the 1 at <br />quarterly payment Subscriber shall pay the prorate share of the service charge for the month in which installation was complete. <br />At the expiration of the initial sixty (60) month(s) period, this agreement shall be automatically renewable for periods of one (1) year each, the 1 at of such <br />renewal periods to commence upon date of the. expiration of this agreement, unless either party shall notify the other, in writing, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the <br />expiration of the original agreement or the expiration of any renewal periods, of the desire to terminate this agreement. Upon renewal, the Subscriber shall pay the same <br />amount according to the terms & conditions as set forth in this agreement. <br />If the Subscriber has requested full service rental of system as initialed above. Subscriber hereby agrees to pay SAFTECH, its agents or assigns, for such <br />service, the sum of NA ($__)Dollars upon completion of the Installation, & the additional sum of NA ($_) Dollars per month, in advance, on the first (1 ") of the <br />month, commencing with the month following completion of the installation, for a period of Nei _ (_) years from the date of completion of the installation of the system. <br />In addition, together with the first (1 ?) monthly payment, Subscriber shall pay the prorate share of the monthly charge for the month In which the installation was <br />completed. This agreement for full service rental of the system shall have an initial term of NA U years, & shall automatically be renewed for an additional term of <br />one (1) year at the prevailing service rate at the time of renewal, unless ether party notifies the other in writing of its intention to terminate this agreement, not less than <br />thirty (34) days prior to the expiration of the original term or any renewal term thereof. <br />So that SAFTECH may properly adjust is rates to meet the changing service & maintenance costs, & notwithstanding the terms & conditions set forth herein, <br />after the expiration of one (1) years from the date of completion of the installation, SAFTECH may, at any time, increase the monthly service charge by a maximum of ten <br />percent (10) per year upon giving the Subscriber notice in writing. If Subscriber is unwilling to pay the Increase monthly charge, Subscriber may terminate this <br />agreement upon giving notice in writing to SAFTECH within thirty (SD) days from the effective date of the increase. Subscriber's failure to notify SAFTECH within thirty <br />(30) days shall constitute Subscriber's consent to increase. <br />3. RESPONSE TO ALARMS, POLICE/FIRE DEPARTMENT ALARMS: <br />a) LOCAL ALARM: SAFTECH, upon receipt of information that an audible device is sounding on the premises of Subscriber, will make reasonable effortsto <br />notify Subscriber or his designate representatives by telephone at the phone numbers & addresses supplied to SAFTECH in writing by Subscriber, pursuant to this <br />agreement. If Subscriber cannot be reached or does not appear at the above described premises within thirty (30) minutes from the time SAFTECH receives information <br />that the audible device is sounding, or if SAFTECH is called upon to turn off any audible alarm at the above address, at any time, or by any public official or officer, <br />Subscriber hereby authorizes & appoints SAFTECH, as its agent, to turn off the said audible device & agrees to hold SAFTECH harmless & to indemnify SAFTECH <br />from any damage, loss or liability which may result from the turning off of the alarm by SAFTECH. Subscriber further agrees to pay SAFTECH a reasonable amount for <br />each service call thereby required. <br />b) CENTRAL STATION ALARM: If Subscriber has selected the optional monitored service of the system & payment of the monthly amount required herein, <br />SAFTECH agrees that the signals of the system at the premises set forth herein above shall be monitored at an Alarm Central Station (Central) to be selected by <br />SAFTECH. <br />SAFTECH shall ether: <br />1) install, or cause to be installed, a transmitter at Subscriber's premises. for the purposes of transmitting signals from Subscriber's system to Central, or <br />2) Program or re-program Subscriber's computer programmable system to transmit signals to the Central. <br />Upon receipt of an alarm signal from Subscriber's system to the Central, SAFTECH or its designee, except where the system terminates at a police or fire <br />department, shall without warranty, make every reasonable effort to do the following, unless otherwise instructed by Subscriber in writing: <br />i) Upon receipt of a burglar alarm signal, transmit the alarm to the public police department designate by the Subscriber & if requested in writing by <br />Subscriber notify the Subscriber or his designated representatives by calling the telephone numbers supplied to SAFTECH in writing by Subscriber as required by this <br />agreement. <br />if) Upon receipt of a hold up alarm signal, transmit the alarm to the public police department. <br />iii) Upon receipt of a fire alarm signal, transmit the fact of the alarm to the public fire department designated by the Subscriber & notify Subscriber or his <br />designate representatives by calling the telephone numbers supplied to SAFTECH in writing by Subscriber. <br />iv) Upon receipt of a montor signal, notify Subscriber or his designate representatives by calling the telephone numbers supplied to SAFTECH in writing by <br />Subscriber. <br />It is the duty of Subscriber to advise SAFTECH in writing of any changes to the information supplied regarding the designated representatives. SAFTECH <br />shall attempt to reach by telephone the Subscriber or his designate representatives upon activation of an alarm signal; however, SAFTECH or the Central shall have no <br />liability if they cannot reach Subscriber or his designated representatives by telephone within a reasonable time after the activation of said signal. Further, neither <br />$AFTECH nor the Central shall incur any liability for delay in response or non-response of police, fire or other authorities, institutions or individuals to be notified by <br />SAFTECH Wor the Central. SAFTECH or its agents do not respond to the alarm activation or signal. SAFTECH &/or the Central shall not be obligated to perform any <br />monitoring services hereunder during anytime when telephone circuits or equipment are not working, since signals to the Central are received solely by means of <br />telephonic communication. Further, SAFTECH &/or Central shall not be obligated to cancel any dispatch pursuant to the alarm signal upon Instructions of any person, <br />including Subscriber, for security reasons.