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Terms & Conditions Initial: (mow <br />SAFTECH S riber <br />8. SAFTECH's LIABILITY/DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: This installation & all repairs Wor maintenance & monitoring of this system hall be in strict <br />accordance with the provisions of this agreement. SAFTECH does not represent or warrant: that the system may not be compromised or circumven ; orthat the <br />system, or the monitoring services will prevent any loss by burglary, hold up, fire, trespass, or otherwise; or that the system or services set forth herein, will in all cases <br />provide the protection for which there are Installed or intended. Subscriber acknowledges & agrees that SAFTECH has made no representations or warranties, express <br />or implied, as to any matter whatsoever, including without limitation the condition of the equipment, its merchantability or its fitness for any particular purpose; nor has <br />Subscriber relied on any representations or warranties, express or implied; that any affirmation of fact or promise shall not be deemed to create an express warranty, & <br />that there are no warranties which extend beyond the face of the agreement hereof; that SAFTECH is not an insurer; that Subscriber assumes all risk of loss or damage <br />to Subscribers premises Wor to the property & contents thereof; & that Subscriber has read & understands all of this agreement, particularly paragraphs 17 & 18, which <br />set forth SAFTECH's maximum liability in the event of any loss or damage whatsoever to Subscriber or anyone else. Subscriber acknowledges that said system is <br />Intended as a deterrence & the protection afforded thereby may be subject to compromise. Subscriber further acknowledges that the system which he has chosen may <br />be subject to changes in the operation & technology of the system with subsequent improvements & enhancements which SAFTECH Is not obligated to offer Subscriber, <br />unless specifically requested by Subscriber. Subscriber further acknowledges that the choice of the equipment Installed & the design of the system is based upon <br />Subscriber's specific request & cost considerations for which Subscriber releases SAFTECH from any express or implied warranties therefore or Iiabilltytherefrom. <br />9. AUDIBLE ALARM SHUT OFF: Subscriber acknowledges & understands that if the audible alarm has an automatic shut off device & the alarm sounds for <br />any reason, it is to automatically shut off after sounding for a period of time not to exceed thirty (30) minutes. Subscriber further acknowledges that: unless an attempted <br />entry is apparent or unless Subscriber is notified that the system was activated, Subscriber will have no way of knowing that the system was activated & automatically <br />shut off; that the system may not reset after the audible device has been activated & automatically shut off; & that It therefore must be manually restored. Subscriber <br />agrees to check the system each day upon returning to the premises in order to determine whether or not the system was activated during the previous operating period. <br />10. INCREASE IN TAXES, UTILITY CHARGES OR MONTHLY SERVICE: <br />a) Subscriber acknowledges that all charges set forth herein are based upon existing federal, state & local taxes & utility charges, including telephone <br />company line charges, if any, known to SAFTECH at the time of execution of this agreement & the monthly charges provided herein. Any additional taxes, fees or <br />charges which hereafter may be imposed on SAFTECH or Subscriber by any utility or governmental agency relating to the service provided under the terms of this <br />agreement, shall be paid by Subscriber. It Is also agreed by the Subscriber that any fees or permits required by any governmental agency for a system to be Installed at <br />the premises of the Subscriber shall be at the sole cost of & expense of the Subscriber. <br />b) SAFTECH agrees that any increase in Subscribers monthlylquarterly service charge shall not exceed 100/6 per year from the term of this agreement. <br />11. LIMITED WARRANTY: SAFTECH hereby warrants that all of the material Installed is agreed to be as specified In the Incorporated proposal, & Is In <br />accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. In the event that any part of the system shall become defective or in the event that any repairs shall be required for a <br />period of one (1) year from the date of Installation, SAFTECH hereby agrees to make all repairs & replacement of parts without cost to Subscriber for either equipment or <br />labor, other than set forth herein. SAFTECH reserves the option to either replace or repair the equipment, & reserves the right to substitute material of equal quality at the <br />time of replacement. This warranty does not include batteries. <br />If Subscriber shall discover a defect in the equipment purchased under this agreement, Subscriber shall immediately contact SAFTECH in writing or by <br />telephone, at the address & telephone number herein above set forth & fully describe the nature of the defect so that repair service can be rendered. <br />Except as set forth In this paragraph, SAFTECH makes no express or implied warranties as to any manner whatsoever as set forth in paragraph 8 herein. <br />This limited warranty does not cover any damage to material or equipment caused by accident, misuse, attempted unauthorized repair service, modification, or improper <br />installation by anyone ether than SAFTECH. Subscriber acknowledges that SAFTECH shall not be liable to Subscriber for any consequential damages whatsoever. <br />Subscriber acknowledges that he/she has read any understands particularly paragraphs 17 & 18 of this agreement which set forth SAFTECH's maximum liability in the <br />event of any loss or damage to Subscriber or anyone else. This limited warranty may not be transferred or assigned to any other person or entit other than the <br />Subscriber whose name is set forth herein above. There are no warranties which extend beyond those on the face of this agreement. Subscriber <br />12 SUBSCRIBER'S DUTIES AS TO USE OF SYSTEM/AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL: The Subscriber shall carefully & properlyt set the alarm system <br />'immediately prior to,the closing or leaving or securing of the premises, & shall carefully test the system daily during the term of this agreement. ubscriber shall maintain <br />the building & premise's interior as to not interfere with the operation of said system. If any defect in operation of the system develops, or in the evert of any interruption at <br />Subscribers premises, Subscriber shall notify SAFTECH immediately. SAFTECH shall repair such defective condition as soon as possible after receipt of such notice, <br />provided that Subscriber has selected & paid the amounts for repair & maintenance service. If space protection is part of said system, Subscriber shall walktest the <br />system each day or at such other time as Subscriber shall close his premises in the manner recommended by SAFTECH. When any device or protection is used, <br />including but not limited to space protection or smoke detection, which is affected by turbulence of air or other disturbing conditions, Subscriber shall turn off or remove <br />all things, animate or inanimate, including but not limited to all forced air heaters, air conditioners, horns, bells, animals, Wor any other sources of air turbulence or <br />movement, which may interfere with the effectiveness of the system while the system is in operation. Subscriber agrees to train all persons, including employees, in the <br />correct operation of the alarm system prior to authorizing said person to either armor disarm the alarm system. After providing Initial instruction in the operation of the <br />system at the time of installation, SAFTECH shall re-instruct any persons authorized by Subscriber in the correct operation of the system for the normal cost of a service <br />call. Subscriber agrees to furnish SAFTECH forthwith a written list of the names, titles, residences, residence phone numbers, business phone numbers & signatures of <br />all persons authorized to enter the premises of Subscriber Wor be notified in the event of an alarm. All changes, re-visions & modifications to the above shall be supplied <br />to SAFTECH in writing. Subscriber shall promptly notify SAFTECH of any modifications, remodeling, or alteration to the premises in which said system is installed, to <br />determine if said changes may affect the operation of the system. <br />Thee are five (5) conditions net covered by the above limited warranty or the service & maintenance program for which Subscriber shall be charged an <br />additional cost if a service call is required: <br />1. Mia-use, tampering or abuse of the alarm system; <br />2. Failure of Subscriber to properly close or secure a door, window or other point protected by the alarm system, including placement of furniture on alarm <br />pads; <br />3. Subscriber related errors; <br />4. Problems caused by other workmen, I.e. telephone companies, construction companies, installation companies, carpenters, etc. <br />5. Failure of Subscriber to properly follow instructions provided by SAFTECH at completion of the installation. <br />13. CHANGES TO THE SYSTEM; COST OF REPAIRS; ADDITIONAL PROTECTION; RISK OF LOSS: The cost of any changes & variances In the <br />system, as herein contracted for or as originally installed, made at the request of, or made necessary, or required by Subscribers action, or which may be demanded by <br />any governmental agencies, regulatory agencies, insurance agencies or institutions or inspection & rating bureaus, are to be borne by Subscriber, Subscriber <br />recognizes that electronic technology, & specifically, alarm system technology, is changing at a rapid rate & the materials & equipment available to SAFTECH will vary as <br />with time & improvements In technology. SAFTECH will, without any cost to Subscriber, at anytime after the installation of the system herein, & upon request of the <br />Subscriber, send a representative of SAFTECH to Subscribers premises to review with Subscriber his existing system & other protection then available to the <br />Subscriber. SUBSCRIBER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT SUBSCRIBER HAS CHOSEN THE SYSTEM & THAT ADDITIONAL PROTECTION IS AVAILABLE & MAY <br />BE OBTAINED FROM SAFTECH OVER & ABOVE THAT PROVIDED HEREIN, AT AN ADDITIONAL COST TO SUBSCRIBER. All risk of loss or damage to the <br />system shall be borne exclusively by Subscriber whose obligations hereunder shall not be diminished by any such loss or damage.