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CITY OF SANTA ANA STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY <br />JULY 2013-2014 <br />Page 5 <br />custodian. The City may invest in repurchase agreements with primary dealers of the <br />Federal Reserve with which the City has entered into a PSA master repurchase contract <br />which specifies terms and conditions of repurchase agreements. The market value of <br />securities used as collateral for repurchase agreements shall not be allowed to fall below <br />102 percent of the value of the repurchase agreement and shall be valued daily by the tri- <br />party custodial agent. Securities that can be pledged for collateral shall consist only of <br />investments permitted within this policy with a maximum maturity of five (5) years. If there <br />is a default of the broker, the collateral securities can be sold. Since the securities are <br />valued daily, it is likely that the sale proceeds will equal or exceed the value of the <br />repurchase agreement amount. Purchases in this category shall not exceed ninety (90) <br />days or thirty percent (30%) of the cost value of the Fund. <br />G. Local Agency Investment Fund - State Pool. The City may invest in the Local Agency <br />Investment Fund (LAIF) established by the State Treasurer under California Government <br />Code Section 16429.1 for the benefit of local agencies. Although there is no percentage <br />limitation on this fund, the "prudent investor" rule shall apply for a single agency name. <br />H. Medium Term Corporate Notes issued by corporations organized and operating within the <br />United States or by depository institutions licensed in the United States or any state and <br />operating within the United States. Notes eligible for investment shall be rated in a rating <br />category of "A" or its equivalent or better by a nationally recognized rating service. <br />Purchases in this category shall not exceed three (3) years to maturity or fifteen percent <br />(15%) of the cost value of the Fund. Purchases in a single issuer in this category shall <br />not exceed five percent (5%) of the cost value of the Fund. <br />I. Shares of beneficial interest issued by diversified management companies that are <br />money market funds registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the <br />Investment Company Act of 1940. The company shall have met either of the following <br />criteria: <br />Attain the highest ranking or the highest letter and numerical rating provided by not <br />less than two of the three following: Moody's, S&P or Fitch, and <br />2. Retained an investment adviser registered or exempt from registration with the <br />Securities and Exchange Commission with not less than five (5) years experience <br />managing money market funds with assets under management in excess of five- <br />hundred, million dollars ($500,000,000). The purchase price of shares of <br />beneficial interest, (mutual funds) purchase pursuant to this subdivision shall not <br />include any commission that these companies may charge. <br />Ineligible investments. Investments not described herein are ineligible investments. The <br />City shall not invest any funds in inverse floaters, range notes, or interest only strips that