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CHANGE ORDER NO.1 <br />This Change Order No. 1 (the "Change Order") is issued pursuant to the CALIFORNIA ENERGY <br />EFFICIENCY STRATEGIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION CONTRACT dated July 18, 2011 (the <br />"Contract") between THE CITY OF SANTA ANA ("Implementer") and SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA <br />EDISON COMPANY ("SCE") and sets forth certain changes to the Statement of Work ("SOW") <br />executed by Implementer and SCE on July 18, 2011. This Change Order is effective as of November 1, <br />2012 ("Change Order Effective Date"). Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the <br />meanings ascribed to them in the Contract. <br />The parties agree to modify the SOW as follows: <br />1. Task 2.A Deliverable(s) table is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: <br />Task 2.A - Deliverable(s) Due Date(s) - <br />1. Report on status of Implementer or Monthly to be completed by <br /> Subcontractor to support the Task September 30, 2011 with Invoicing <br /> Requirements (see Task 4) <br />2. Assessment and planning report for conducting No later than March 31, 2012 with <br /> the baseline GHG inventory including the energy Invoicing Requirements (see Task 4) <br /> savings analysis for the baseline GHG for both <br /> the Community and Municipal Operations <br />3. Draft report on the results of the baseline GHG No later than December 31, 2012 with <br /> inventory including the energy savings analysis Invoicing Requirements (see Task 4) <br /> for the baseline GHG for both the Community <br /> and Municipal Operations <br />4. Final report on the results of the baseline GHG No later than January 31, 2013 with <br /> inventory including the energy savings analysis Invoicing Requirements (see Task 4) <br /> for the baseline GHG for both the Community <br /> and Municipal Operations <br />5. Report on dissemination of the baseline GHG No later than March 31, 2013 with <br /> inventory and energy savings analysis for the Invoicing Requirements (see Task 4) <br /> baseline GHG to the Community <br />6. Monthly status report Monthly with Invoicing Requirements <br /> (see Task 4) <br />2. Task 2.13 Deliverable(s) table is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: <br />Task 2.B - Deliverable(s) Due Date(s) - <br />1. Assessment and planning report for the No later than March 31, 2012 with <br />development of an energy efficiency chapter in Invoicing Requirements (see Task 4) <br />the climate action plan for the Community and <br />Municipal Operations <br />2. Draft energy efficiency chapter for the climate No later than March 31, 2013 with <br />action plan for the Community and Municipal Invoicing Requirements (see Task 4) <br />Operations <br />SCE CONFIDENTIAL 1 of 5