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approval. Thereafter, United's Backup Project Manager will coordinate with the Project Manager to <br />develop a database per the requirements of the IFB and Administrative Personnel Mil be trained. <br />Methods to Ensure Quallty Control <br />United will keep in contact with the City of Santa Ana public works representat'nte in regard to their <br />needs or emergencies and will only deploy the necessary equipment Through past experience <br />United has found out that keeping good communication with the public works representatives or <br />city staff is crucial in emergency situations to try to deploy emergency response, equipment and <br />personnel as has done so in the past for some of our customers such as Union Pacific Rail Road, <br />Department of Transportation, Metroli6k and others. <br />Jose Ponce, Field Supervisor and Quality Control Inspector for United Storm Water, will report <br />directly to the Project Manager, will aid in coordinating all field crews in order to fulfill service <br />requests, will monitor compliance with the quality assurance program, and with customer <br />complaints and inquires. All key personnel shall be assigned to this project for the duration of the. <br />Contract and will diligently pursue all work and services to meet the project time tines. <br />United's Project Manager will provide the Public Works Representative with a log of daily <br />activitles/progress reports that will include the ongoing status of work, significant accomplishments, <br />problems encountered and anticipated with potential solutions, and work planned for the next <br />required service. Upon completion of each round of service the Project Manager will request City <br />Inspector buy-off of services. When services have been approved United's Project Manager will <br />meet with the Public Works Representative for final submittal review of inspection report, disposal <br />invoices (including weight tickets and manifests), and invoicing wilt be submitted. Public Works will <br />reimburse all dumping fees. Compensation for as-needed repair/replacement parts for ARS/CPS <br />units will be based on actual cost. <br />25E-50