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RFP No. 13-010 <br />Addendum No. 1 <br />Page 1 of 6 <br />May 31, 2013 <br />ADDENDUM NO.1 <br />REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL <br />FOR PROVIDING PARK LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES <br />FOR DISTRICT 4 <br />RFP REFERENCE NO: 13-010 <br />DATE DUE: JUNE 6, 2013, 4:OOp.m. <br />Notice is hereby given that the City of Santa Ana, Parks, Recreation and Community Services <br />Agency has made certain modifications, additions, and/or deletions, in the specifications to RFP <br />NO: 13-OIOFOR PROVIDING PARK LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR <br />DISTRICT 4. This addendum shall become a part of the original Request for Proposal due by <br />4:00 p.m. on June 6, 2013. <br />This RFP addendum provides clarifications to specific sections and answers to questions <br />received at and subsequent to the pre-proposal conference conducted on May 23, 2013. <br />Section Specific Clarification <br />In an effort to foster the best possible response to the RFP, specific sections have been modified <br />to clarify language by adding or deleting specific text. Added text is underlined (i.e., ad) and <br />deleted text is striked-through (i.e., delete). Specific sections are as follows: <br />1) Section 4.1 of Attachment No. 1 (on page 30) states, <br />4.1 Field In General <br />4.1.1 When adding field composition mix (brickdust) to any City of Santa Ana <br />ball field, the specific type of material to be used is: '/z" of new Stabilizer <br />Solutions Stabilizer Warning Track Mix (with stabilizer). Use a minimum <br />of 65 tons per warnin track. <br />2) 7.5 General Brickdust Skinned Infield Areas & Warning rack <br />7.5.1 After raking/shoveling loose material from high spots back into low <br />spots/worn areas on running paths, sliding zones, and any other low <br />spots/worn areas appearing on the field, the Contractor shall fill all <br />remaining low spots with new Stabilizer Solutions Stabilizer Gold Infield <br />Mix (with stabilizer) and Stabilizer Solutions Stabilizer Warning Track <br />Mix on warning tracks from stock and make level. <br />7.5.2 The contractor shall clean all excess brickdust beneath or next to the <br />backstop, dugout chain link fencing, outfield fencing and/or infield chain <br />link fence lines so that the infield brickdust is level with the dugout <br />pavement and pavement outside the infield. <br />25A-92