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SCE shall be entitled to offset against payments owed to Applicant any amount due to SCE that <br />remains unpaid forty (40) calendar days after SCE's written demand for payment. <br />9.0 TERM AND TERMINATION The term of this Agreement shall commence on the last date that <br />a Party executes this Agreement and shall terminate no later than five (5) years from SCE's written <br />project Installation Report approval date, unless terminated earlier pursuant to this Agreement ( "Term "). <br />10.0 ASSIGNMENT SCE may assign this Agreement, or its rights and obligations hereunder, directly <br />or indirectly, without prior written consent, provided SCE remains obligated for payments incurred prior <br />to the assignment. Applicant may not assign its rights or delegate its duties without the prior written <br />consent of SCE, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. If an assignment is requested, <br />Applicant is obligated to provide additional information if requested by SCE. <br />11.0 PERMITS AND LICENSES Applicant, at its own expense, shall obtain and maintain and <br />cause its contractors and /or subcontractors to obtain and maintain licenses and permits required by <br />federal, state, local, or other relevant governing or regulatory bodies needed to perform its work. Any <br />failure by Applicant or its contractors and /or subcontractors to maintain necessary licenses and permits <br />constitutes a material breach of Applicant's obligations under this Agreement. <br />12.0 ADVERTISING, MARKETING AND USE OF SCE'S NAME Applicant shall not use SCE's <br />corporate name, trademark, trade name, logo, identity or any affiliation for any reason, including <br />soliciting customers to participate in the project, without SCE's prior written consent. Applicant shall <br />make no representations to its customers on behalf of SCE. <br />13.0 INDEMNIFICATION To the extent Applicant has (i) executed a Partnership Agreement with <br />SCE and is a direct party thereto, and (ii) such Partnership Agreement contains indemnity provisions <br />covering Applicant's performance under the Program and this Agreement, then such Indemnity <br />provisions shall apply to this Agreement and the remainder of this Section 13 shall have no force and <br />effect. For all other Applicants (including, but not limited to, program participants, contractors, <br />consultants, and others who are not direct parties to a Partnership Agreement with SCE containing <br />such indemnity provisions), the following shall apply: <br />13.1 Applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless, and release SCE, its affiliates, <br />subsidiaries, parent companies, officers, directors, agents and employees, from and against all <br />claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, expenses, and liability (legal, contractual, or <br />otherwise), which arise from or are in any way connected with any: (i) injury to or death of <br />persons, including but not limited to employees of SCE or Applicant; (ii) injury to property or <br />other interests of SCE, Applicant, or any third party;(iii) violation of local, state, or federal <br />common law, statute, or regulation, including but not limited to environmental laws or <br />regulations; or (iv) strict liability imposed by any law or regulation; so long as such injury, <br />violation, or strict liability (as set forth in (i) - (iv) above) arises from or is in any way connected <br />with Applicant 's performance of, or failure to perform, this Agreement, however caused, <br />regardless of any strict liability or negligence of SCE whether active or passive, excepting only <br />such loss, damage, cost, expense, liability, strict liability, or violation of law or regulation that is <br />caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of SCE, its officers, managers or <br />employees. <br />13.2 Applicant ackno,;;ledges that any claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, expenses, <br />an.. abi!it`; that arise e' of, result from, or a, e in any ,'iay connect ed v,it l the release or <br />C vaiy I ga ", designated iia_arvous maeriial or vias'e as a r esu!t C, <br />der thi Agreement a" e;(pressiy ',,,Jtnin the scope cf this i ,demnity, avid that the Costs, <br />expenses, and legal iiabi';ity for environmental investigations, monitoring, containment. <br />abatement, removal, repair, cleanup, restoration, remedial work, penalties, and fines arising <br />_ _ <br />